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    Moulin Rouge


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    Moulin Rouge, 1952 gives a fairly accurate account of the life of Toulouse Lautrec, the great painter and inventor of the theatrical poster. José Ferrer, (Oscar Nominated) gives a dynamite performance as the remarkable " little person " with all the hope, wishes and dreams of every man in the second half of 19th century Paris. Mr. Ferrer is somehow able to create a truthful, agonizing performance of the painter exactly as we would imagine him. Without special effects, unavailable at the time, one is astounded at the stamina of Mr. Ferrer who played the role on his knees, lower legs tied behind his thighs. John Huston directed this very good period piece that doesn't sugarcoat anything of Lautrec's debauched tavern and love life. Colette Marchand and a disarmingly young Zsa Zsa Gabor are two of the women in his life. The entire film rests firmly on the characterization of José Ferrer who never once disappoints. It's really a 'bravura' performance. The film stands up so well to this day. I was quite quite amazed by the entire production.

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    pietroantoni@  5.2.2015 age: 36-49 14,630 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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