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    "Amadeus" is fiction so good you wish it was true. The film, based on the stage play of the same name follows a fictional rivalry between Antonio Salieri and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. F. Murray Abraham plays Salieri, the now largely forgotten composer who was rich and famous in his day. Tom Hulce plays Mozart, a composer whose pieces are now recognized for the genius that they, but he struggled to make ends meet. Unlike the rest of the world, Salieri recognized Mozart for the genius that he was... and it drove him mad. Despite his love for the man’s work, we witness Salieri spend his life doing everything in his power to sabotage Mozart, with the young author believing them to be friends.

    The film is an astounding period piece, using a mix of authentic locations and perfect re-creations to bring you back to the late 18th century. I found the costumes to be absolutely convincing, from the elaborate ballroom gowns to the crazy opera costumes. This film is set when people wore elaborate powdered wigs and went to masquerades so bizarre, it makes your average Halloween party look a waste of time. If you have any interest in clothing or costumes, and not even on a professional level, this film will blow your mind. If you have some lady friends that don’t usually go for movies that you like, lure them in with promises of fantastic wardrobes and costumes. As you might expect, the music is fantastic, but it’s not as simple as some of the most memorable parts of Mozart’s music playing over characters walking around, or a bit of quiet music playing in the background while characters talk. Sequences where the climax in the orchestra matches the actions of the characters, or a scene taken from one of Mozart’s operas and used to indicate exactly what kind of turmoil is going on inside our characters’ hearts is what you look forward to seeing in this film. Equally astounding are the performances. Everyone here is absolutely convincing in their role, particularly F. Murray Abraham as a truly tortured soul. Even Tom Hulce, who is slightly annoying as the cackling, buffoonish Mozart is absolutely perfect. You instantly feel the rage and the simultaneous despair that grows inside of Salieri seeing this young guy flaunting his talent while seemingly not taking any of his music seriously.

    As I mentioned, the standout role is F. Murray Abraham as Salieri. Talk about a complex character. On the one hand, you feel really bad for this guy. He has spent his entire life dedicated to music. No women, no partying, no fun whatsoever because he promised to God that he would give himself to his music (and to him) if he was gifted with the talent to create beautiful symphonies. That might sound extreme written down like this, but in the context of the film, you believe it. You always hear about artists going mad and being either eccentric or unbearable to work with because of their burning passion and this is a prime example. It’s not that this guy is unpleasant; it’s that he is so passionate about his music that everything else is an obstacle to him. All he cares about is his music. Then, enter Mozart and the tragedy of it all. Mozart is young, handsome, he doesn’t seem to take anything seriously and he effortlessly composes. You know exactly what Salieri feels like, because everyone’s been there. The difference is that our main character is a tragic one and decides to do the unthinkable, something even he feels disgusted at by choosing to become Mozart’s enemy instead of his friend. That’s the fascinating element of this film; Salieri is successful, but realizes that in time, his music will fade away, while Mozart, who has the makings of the greatest musician of all time, is still struggling. These two men could have become friends, maybe even collaborated and become immortals. It breaks your heart to see it play out, and you cannot look away for a second.

    “Amadeus” is what you wish every movie was like. It’s a long movie, sure, but every instant is absolutely gripping. It’s tragic, it’s comic, it’s breathtaking. It’s fiction so good you wish it was reality. Every time I think about the story, it simultaneously breaks my heart and it fills me with joy. Dedicate yourself an afternoon to “Amadeus” and watch it without any distractions. It’s an experience you will never forget, one that will profoundly affect you. (Theatrical version on Dvd, August 9, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  27.11.2014 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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