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    Reviewed by

    “Bridesmaids" is even funnier than I remembered. It features a nice blend of genuine heart and laugh-out-loud moments with just a touch of a romance thrown in. Don’t let the primarily female cast make you think this one's only for the ladies; it's got universal appeal.

    Annie (Kristen Wiig) is unhappy. The bakery she opened went out of business, she is living with two idiots that pass off as roommates, she’s seeing a boy toy that cares nothing for her, she’s not excited about working at the jewelry store that earns her little money. She’s *this* close to moving back in with her mother. When her best friend Lillian (Maya Rudolph) announces she's getting married, Annie is put in charge of the pre-wedding stuff. Her crappy life immediately begins leaking into the celebration.

    It’s a movie that’s as much about a woman who has hit rock bottom as it is about a turning point in a friendship that has started to wane. At first, it’s very much your typical “good ol’ boys” comedy, but with girls instead. Lewd jokes, plenty of gross-out moments, and scenes that'll make you cringe from second-hand embarrassment. The first time I saw these, I thought it was a bit much. Now I see their merit. It’s the bait to lure you into the meat of the story: the friendship. While you’re witnessing catastrophic dinners, dress fittings that go so bad it’s legendary, and awkward drunken confessions, it builds up to a total meltdown that exposes the raw emotions inside the characters. It’s still plenty funny but at the end of the day, the heartfelt conversations are what make the movie, not the nasty jokes.

    Many elements of the film are relatable, ovaries or not. Everyone's felt jealous of your best friend's new BFF. Everyone has felt like they've let a valuable friendship slip through the cracks. Do I still know the friends I grew up with well enough to throw them that final party before they change into full-grown adults? It could be heavy material but through the rivalry that develops between Annie and Helen (Rose Byrne), it's hilarious.

    The side characters are memorable and provide the big, memorable scenes that'll have you in stitches. Rebel Wilson and Matt Lucas as the idiotic roommates, Melissa McCarthy as a forceful, don’t-take-no-guff-from-nobody future sister-in-law (she must've come up with a lot of her own lines) are going to be many people's favorites. My vote is for Rita (Wendi McLendon-Covey) and Becca (Ellie Kemper). They form a sisterly bond based on their mutual, awful sex lives but not for the reason you'd expect.

    "Bridesmaids" doesn't end with everything wrapped up all nicely, but it leaves you feeling good. Looking back, even the parts that made me say "that’s just nasty! ” force my face to crack into a smile. It’s gross, but not excessive and those jokes are well balanced with real emotions. The romantic subplot is sweet. There are plenty of memorable/quotable scenes. The chemistry is terrific. I suspect “Bridesmaids” will become a comedy classic. It's a bit groundbreaking in a way because so many comedies are male-centered you’d swear there were no funny women in the world. It's a great pick for a date, or something to watch with friends. If you were put off by it initially, take another look at “Bridesmaids”. It really is a funny and insightful picture. (Theatrical version on DVD, March 30, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  11.1.2015 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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