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    Killer Klowns from Outer Space


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    “Killer Klowns from Outer Space”. Well, it certainly delivers what it promises and as a goofy horror comedy, that leans waaay more in the direction of laughs than chills, it’s plenty of fun. While up at their town’s makeout point, Mike (Grant Cramer) and Debbie (Suzanne Snyder) spot something falling from the sky. When they investigate the location of the crater, they instead discover what looks like a circus tent. Once inside, they discover that it’s actually a space-ship piloted by carnivorous clown-like aliens. The authorities don’t believe their claims that the town is being besieged by these creatures and soon, everyone is being stalked by these red-nosed fiends. Killer balloons, man-eating popcorn, acidic cream pies, deadly shadow puppets, cotton candy cocoons... do we stand a chance against these killer klowns from outer space?

    Let’s face it, you’re not seeing this movie for any other reason than to see creepy clowns attacking people and there’s plenty of that. As mentioned earlier, they have a nice variety of clown-themed weapons they use to kill people, some of which are pretty inventive. The movie is often darkly funny (the shadow puppets was probably my favorite) and actually looks really good considering its budget. Each clown is unique, memorable and distinct and the special effects, while dated (something inevitable considering this was made in 1988) still hold up pretty well. I actually enjoyed just looking at the movie, seeing all of the little details put into the clown costumes and seeing all the little nods to real-life clowns in the weapons and the spaceship. There’s just something about seeing all of the practical effects that would not have worked if this movie had been made nowadays, with CG out the wazoo. I’ll admit that it’s a gimmicky movie because it is all about seeing killer clowns but this movie doesn’t have any illusions of grandeur or ulterior motives, so it works.

    I have two marks against the movie. First is the acting. Often it isn’t very good and the performers come off as real amateurs. It sounds like nitpicking because this was never going to be an academy award winner, but it really could have been more than just a goofy cult film if everyone was playing it straight and really dedicated to their roles. I can get past bad acting, but only to a certain extent. The second element I take umbrage to is the ending, which is really abrupt. I can’t say much about it, but I found it to be too conventional and a letdown. These two elements didn’t take away that much from me, but it’s worth noting.

    It feels pointless writing about and recommending this movie to people because you already know from looking at the cover and reading the title if it’s something you’re interested in. It’s often childish, goofy and there’s only one real joke that gets repeated over and over but they pull it off well. I do think that a movie did need to be made about a killer clown... and it needed to take a lot less seriously than “It” does. I say check it out. It’s not great but it’s a “bad movie” done with flair and passion. (On Dvd, November 23, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  31.1.2015 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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