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    Magic Mike XXL


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    “Why in the world would a straight 28-year-old man find himself watching “Magic Mike XXL” in the theatre without any lady friends to drag him there?” might you be asking. The answer is simple. I liked the first film (for what it was), had a lot of fun seeing it in the theatre with ladies all around me hooting and hollering as Channing Tatum and his co-stars ripped off their shirts and starting doing pelvic thrusts and other mouth-watering moves (well, mouth watering for the ladies, not necessarily for me) and I came to actually care about the characters thanks to the story. I figured that a sequel would bring me a similar experience and the more I think about it, the more I feel that this is what I’m looking for when I go see a movie at the theatre; not just a story and some visuals, but an experience that I couldn’t get at home. To my disappointment, there was a distinct lack of ladies losing their cool when I went to check out this sequel to the 2012 “Magic Mike” and at first, I found the film to be slow. Then, the “dance” numbers started coming in more frequently, the movie got a lot more outrageous and finally, with its long, and satisfying climax, I was sold.

    There’s not much to this film’s plot. It’s basically just an excuse to get the boys back to their old ways again after Mike (Tatum) quit the business 3 years ago. Suddenly feeling that itch for one more go after meeting up with his old pals again, he joins Ken (Matt Bomer), Big Dick Richie (Joe Manganiello), Tarzan (Kevin Nash) and Tito (Adam Rodriguez) as they head to Myrtle Beach for a big male stripper convention.

    As I said earlier, the picture starts off rocky. Some key characters from the first picture are gone (and I was really looking forward to seeing Matthew McConaughey acting silly again, that was a disappointment), Mike basically has to do a 180 on his previous decisions and there’s a lot of talking that doesn’t mean a whole much. Not a whole lot of dancing for the first... probably half hour of the movie and I was getting restless. Then, there’s a key moment where the guys figure out that their usual routine, it just isn’t going to cut it. Everyone (including the audience) has already seen the naughty sailor, the fireman that needs help with his hose, the dirty cop. They’re going to come up with original routines and figure out how they will appeal to the crowd in a whole new way. That’s when the picture starts to turn.

    The reason to see this movie, assuming you’re not seeing being you’re simply such a big fan of Steven Soderberg (who serves as cinematographer) or Channing Tatum that you have to see every single one of their pictures, is basically the same reason why you would watch a musical dance movie or a martial arts film. Let me explain. There’s something very satisfying about seeing human beings in perfect physical shape hone their craft and perform expertly choreographed moves. In those martial arts movies you marvel at the fact that these guys are able to throw kicks and punches in a way that really looks like they’re tearing each other apart, when in reality you know they have been practicing the routine for weeks. In dance movies, you get excited when that camera begins to back away from the actors because you know the cameraman wants you to see the leads’ feet as they dart back-and-forth in unison and they perform all of those moves you would never be able to do yourself. What I’m saying is that regardless of your sexual preferences, it’s undeniable that seeing a ripped guy pick up a lady, flip her in the air and rub her all over himself, only to put her back down on a chair and do a head-stand while gyrating all over the place, that’s impressive. I was stunned to see all of the different moves these guys pulled to make the ladies, armed with their wads of dollar bills, melt in their pants like the two ice cream scoops of a banana split on a hot summer day where there’s just nothing to do but strip down to your underwear and lie in bed.

    Not that I’m an expert on male strippers, but I feel like through multiple comedies and parodies, I’ve gotten the hang of what the standard routines are. This picture goes out of its way to invent whole new performances that are truly spectacular. Some of my favorites include the sequences in which Mike dances to that weird techno-rave music. It reminds me of those creepy walks ghost girls in the J-Horror films do when they’re coming to get you because the movements are so odd and erratic it looks like the frames are skipping. I don’t know how they do it, but I want to learn how so I can have all eyes on me the next time I’m at a social. We’ve got some good moments of humor here and there, with a little bit of heart too.

    The reason to see this film in theatres is for the big climax. Throughout “MMXXL”, all of the actual stripping scenes have a unique quality to them that I have to credit to Soderberg. With the way the camera moves and the “look” of the picture, you feel like you’re there, in person. It doesn’t really feel like a movie, it feels like a backstage concert experience. I found it really exciting because it gives everything a genuine feel and a sense of immediacy. Either they found the greatest extras ever to hoot and throw money around, or the actors actually performed the dances live in front of an audience that had no idea what they were up to. I could see myself renting the film and re-watching all of those dance sequences just to look at the background and laugh at the ear-to-ear grins of all of these ladies ogling the muscular dudes as they begin tearing off their clothes and thrusting in their direction. In no scene is it more effective than in that big conclusion where they pull out all the stops and deliver a show that is well worth the price of admission. You’ve seriously got to see it to believe it.

    I was worried when “Magic Mike XXL” was coming towards the half hour mark and it still hadn’t gripped me. Fortunately, the further in it got, the more fun I had with it. I did find it strange that the amount of nudity was toned down a lot. I would have expected a lot more. Maybe it’s a good thing that they kept it all restrained.

    I urge you; if you’re even slightly interested, grab as many female friends as you can and go to the theatre to see “Magic Mike XXL”. If you can, just sit there and you will feel like you’re actually in the movie because you’ve got excited ladies screaming next to you and on-screen you’ll have a terrific show. Pull that off and it’ll be an unforgettable experience. (Theatrical version on the big screen, July 9, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  11.7.2015 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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