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    Terminator 2: Judgment Day


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    I hate to admit it. I love both films so much but you’re pushing me so I'll agree… “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” is even better than the first. Substituting the elements of horror for even more action and emotional depth, it’s one of the greatest sci-fi adrenaline rides ever made.

    Set ten years after Kyle Reese (Michael Biehn) was sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) from the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger), Skynet and the human resistance have each sent another soldier to 1995. One’s mission is to kill John Connor (Edward Furlong) and the other to protect him.

    The stakes have been raised. Told from birth he's destined to become humanity’s savior, John resents his mother, who now rots in a psychiatric ward. The Terminator that’s been sent for him is an advanced prototype, the T-1000 (Robert Patrick), a far superior infiltration model that can shape-shift. Who could stand up against such a menacing foe? None other but the classic model, the same that nearly prevented John from being born. It’s a genius premise. You take the heroes from the first film and team them up with the villain against a baddie that makes the first look like peanuts. “Judgment Day” also expands on the first by diving into Sarah psychological state and exploring the relationship between man and machine. Sarah, John and the Terminator all have complex emotional baggage (well, the humans mostly) that makes the stakes feel high. Their reliance on the Terminator makes you care for it, something you would’ve never expected when seeing Schwarzenegger re-appear, looking as menacing as ever.

    It’s one big, loud, eye-popping chase scene after another as our heroes are hopelessly outmatched by the T-1000. When they aren’t blowing up vehicles trying to stop it, they’re pumping entire clips into Robert Patrick’s character, to no avail. These sequences are packed with memorable moments (many due to the casting, with the inconspicuous Patrick serving as the perfect counterpart to Schwarzenegger) and creativity. That climax is one for the ages; the best showdown ever set in a steel mill (there are many) But “Terminator 2” never loses track of itself while its fists are clenched. There’s just as much interest in the characters, the idea of time travel, or the sub-theme of destiny and the future being set.

    Every dollar sunk into this production has been well spent. “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” featured ground-breaking special effects for the time, and they hold up. It helps that all of the actors are excellent in their roles, with Schwarzenegger bringing a lot of humanity to his cyborg part, and Linda Hamilton shining as an emotionally tormented woman stuck between wanting to protect her son now, and all of humanity tomorrow. It’s a film you’ll be drawn to over and over, one of the very best. (Extended version on Blu-ray, February 6, 2018)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  7.2.2018 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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