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    The Rocky Horror Picture Show


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    “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” needs to be seen a certain way or you almost shouldn't bother. You've heard about this one, that it's a classic bad movie, that it has legendary performances and infinitely quotable dialogue. You know it's often shown at midnight with an audience that dresses up, sings along, and shouts non-stop at the screen. That’s exactly how you should see it. At home, or with an audience composed non-Rocky Horror Fanatics, it just isn’t the same.

    Newly engaged couple Brad Majors (Barry Bostwick) and Janet Weiss (Susan Sarandon) are stranded by a rainstorm. Seeking a telephone, they knock on the door of a creepy castle. Inside, they find the Annual Transylvanian Convention. Bizarre-looking characters are singing, dancing, and being extremely frank about their sexuality, much to Brad and Janet’s shock. Things become even stranger when the head of the convention, Dr. Frank N. Furter (Tim Curry) arrives, gleefully boasting about his new creation, Rocky (Peter Hinwood).

    I’m not even sure why I own this film on DVD. I can’t recommend that anyone watch it at home. It just isn’t the same seeing it on a tiny screen while people aren’t screaming “Slut! ” whenever you hear Janet’s name and the floor doesn't wind up covered in wet confetti and bread slices. While Tim Curry makes this movie memorable and the songs are terrific, the plot is nonsense. The acting isn’t particularly good (aside from Curry), the plot is nonsense. There are wardrobe malfunctions, badly choreographed dance numbers, puzzling directional choices, and technical errors. You'll wonder what you're watching.

    Further hampering your enjoyment will be the show's reputation precedes it. I doubt anyone who's heard of, but not seen “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” has any idea what it's about, or what to expect out of this bizarre homage to B-movies and horror films. All they’ll know is that it has a huge cult following. Outside of its home field, it's dumbfounding to discover it's a big deal. "Rocky Horror" is like ‘Nam, man. You just have to be there to understand.

    You shouldn't watch it at home but if you are, how is it? Easy to make fun of, that's for sure and if you aren't trying to think of clever things to say, it can be amusing to look around and see what's on-screen. Movie buffs will appreciate the nods and winks towards horror films, most notably the Hammer and Universal classic horror films. Some are obvious - anything relating to “Frankenstein”. Others are more subtle and are more evocative of the genre than straightforward references or parodies. Being in a nice quiet room does allow you to properly hear the songs, who hold up well even without the accompanying crowd-generated chaos. It’s not like there’s necessarily a single favorite either. There's always something to look forward to. Finally, there’s something to be said about Tim Curry as Dr. Frank. He’s so wild and dedicated to his part he saves the film.

    Reviewing "The Rocky Horror Show" is kind of pointless. The fans will fight and die for it. Without them, there's no movie. Trust me, I tried. Think of it as one of those "indoor roller-coasters", those rides where a video plays while your seat rumbles and swings back and forth. You're not meant to watch the video by itself. With an audience that knows what it’s doing, and an MC and people dressing up, it’s a blast, an experience you'll never forget. (On DVD, at home with a non-participating audience, May 15, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  2.12.2014 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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