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    House of Wax


    Reviewed by

    My God! It's frightening that the entire 13 to 17 crowd all gave this really dumb and outrageously sick film a 10. It just goes to prove that we are living to see a moronic race grow up before our very eyes. One 13 to 17 year old gave the film a 1. Now that is what I call a discerning, thinking man. The stupid girls could only gush over the male leads and the boys made fools of themselves calling this the coolest movie ever made. The film is a potboiler with special effects that might warrant some small bit of praise but that's about it. The film was made in 2005 and special effects are achieved on a computer. It's really nothing extraordinary or out of this world.

    I did not want to review this piece of idiocy until I reviewed Museum House of Wax (1933) and the cult classic House of Wax from 1953. These films achieved the greatness of their era for pioneering different processes that were all man made, no computer assistance and yet 2005 House of Wax can't touch the 1953 classic in any way, shape or form. Did 2005 House of Wax really touch on the sick mentality of the men committing the crimes? I think not! It boiled down to some dumb […] action picture of sorts. It never intended to go one step beyond the '53 version and create yet another original House of Wax. One need only look at the actors from Jared to Paris to know they are going to stink out the joint. I was so pissed off with the totally ludicrous rewrite of the story that I wanted to leave after half an hour but stuck it out.

    Whatever macabre exploits or tension that the pop-corn crowd is raving about amounts to nothing but cheap thrills. The writing is atrocious and who directed this farce of a remake. ? Take it as a rule of thumb that anything Paris Hilton has done or will do is bound to be a flop. It was so embarrassing seeing her on late night with Letterman trying to promote something or other. Letterman was totally and outrightly making fun of her and she could barely rebuttal in any way. I began to feel quite sorry for her. She's not a woman known for intelligence.

    Without a single ounce of regret I must state categorically this horror film has to be on top of a horrendous heap as one of the worst ever made. I stated I was disappointed even before the half way point. Everything is predictable from moment to moment with a so called twist that won't amount to much. It's a typical cheese worthy Hollywood dumb […] film. How I wish we could get rid of so much of this junk. Yet it keeps pouring in! Would that I could give this atrocious nonsense a big fat 0 or a. 5, half a point just to rub salt in the wound, so to speak!

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    pietroantoni@  31.3.2015 age: 36-49 14,614 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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