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    I instantly fell in love with “Interstellar”. This is an ambitious movie, one that will make you think, seeks to explore emotions as well as the vast unknown, and that puts the “science” back in “science fiction”.

    In the future, humanity is in trouble. Food sources are running out and it’s only a matter of time before Earth’s changing ecosystem can no longer support us. Former NASA pilot Joseph Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) is enlisted in a desperate, secret mission to find a new home for humankind. A wormhole placed near Saturn by unknown beings appears to be the key to salvation. Cooper has no choice; to save his children, he has to leave them behind and travel through the great unknown.

    This is not the kind of story you can casually watch. It’s not so complex you can’t follow it, but there’s a lot of material to digest. We’re talking about theories involving gravity as a force that can travel through time, different types of black holes, wormholes, space anomalies, temporal distortions and more. The scientists take the time to clarify all you need to know so you can sit back in awe. After they leave our universe, "Interstellar" takes us to these amazing sights, each more dazzling than the last. Remember how movies used to be about seeing wild locations and catching glimpses of other cultures across the globe? That feeling; that rush, is back. It’s like the most beautiful Hubble telescope photos you’ve ever seen, set to a brilliant score by Hans Zimmer, packed with strong performances and what feels like boundless imagination.

    There’s also plenty going on emotionally in this search for a new home. Joseph is leaving Earth and his children behind for a mission that will take who knows how long. Not only will his family not know where he is; Joseph won't even know they're growing up. To conserve resources the astronauts have to go into a state of hibernation state. If it weren’t enough to literally sleep through years’ worth of human history, communication between Earth and the mission will be limited and the gravity beyond the wormhole will further distort time. It's enough to drive enough the most rational mind nuts. These astronauts are alone and burdened with the fate of the world on their shoulders but the world they know will be gone by the time their mission is over.

    Every detail feels carefully selected. Every choice was scrutinized and questioned, tweaked until it complemented everything else in the film. Even now, I find myself going back and examining the characters, their reactions to the events, the technology, the situation they were all in and wondering what I would do in their place. There are some dramatic moments that don't quite gel the way they were intended to and the running time is excessive but the experience is so grandiose, so bold and inspired it all swept me off my feet.

    The Best way to see "Interstellar" is on the biggest screen you can find, with the loudest sound system... and the subtitles turned on. There are times where the score takes over and drowns the dialogue. To ensure you don't miss anything, give yourself the option to read what they're saying too. However you experience it," Interstellar" is not a journey you can easily forget. (Theatrical version in IMAX, December 16, 2014)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  13.12.2014 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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