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    Mountain Men


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    At first “Mountain Men” threw me off of my game because I saw that the very funny Tyler Labine was starring in it and I expected a comedy. Once I realized that this is more of a dramatic survival story with comedic elements I became fully immersed and really enjoyed the film.

    Toph (Tyler Labine) and Cooper (Chace Crawford) haven’t seen each other in years. They’re brothers who took a different path and now that they’re in town together for their mother’s wedding, Toph sees an opportunity to reconnect. When a series of misadventures finds them stranded in the Canadian Rockies with no shelter, they must learn to work together as brothers to get back to civilization.

    If you haven’t heard of this movie, it’s because it’s a Canadian film that is making its rounds to theatres but isn’t getting the attention it deserves. I was crushingly disappointed when I left the theatre and saw that the poster for this film had already been taken down and replaced by one of “American Ultra” by the staff. This movie deserves to be seen and I hope it earns itself more than a single showing per theatre.

    It took me a bit to get into the picture because as I said, there are hints of comedy here and there, but the story is more about the two brothers than their wacky hijinks in the wilderness. On the forefront we have the resentment that Cooper has over the family he left behind, Toph’s uncertainty and feelings of inferiority seeing his younger brother having moved to a big city with a fancy job and a beautiful girlfriend, and both of the brothers’ mixed feelings about their father who disappeared years ago while in the same mountains that they are now stranded in. Then, the movie kicks up the tension by having everything go from bad to worse (although how it gets there is quite funny) and leaving Toph and Cooper with few supplies and just their wits to figure out how to escape the cold.

    I liked this cocktail of drama, humor and survival. One of the major reasons being that the film feels very Canadian. What I mean by that isn’t that there are jokes about the dog sleds we use to get to work everyday or the fact that our dollar’s value is based on the stock of delicious golden maple syrup we have hidden under the office of our Prime minister. I mean that you can see the moments where a more Hollywood film would have gone for a cheap laugh or a more straightforward development and doesn’t. For example, the way Toph and his girlfriend (Britt Irvin) discuss a major issue in their relationship is done in a very mature way, with much of it left more implied and done subtly. It gives what could have been either really over-sentimental or way too goofy tale a firm sense of maturity and I appreciated being treated like an adult instead of a mindless butt in a theatre seat that will get upset if everything isn’t telegraphed exactly as it has been done every other time I’ve see a movie.

    As the film began, the last thing I expected were scenes of genuine tension and uncertainty as to what was going to happen next. This isn’t “Without a Paddle”; there are scenes here where the real dangers of being stuck outside in a Canadian winter are addressed. “Mountain Men” features some surprisingly nuanced performances from the leads, some good laughs along the way and some neat bits of survival that help us understand the characters better and help them get closer and closer to home. I found that although I had to wait a little bit for me to really get into the relationship that is at the center of this film (they argued for a little bit too much of the running time for my taste) it was well worth the wait. Keep an eye out for “Mountain Men” when you’re looking at what’s playing in your city. It’s worth putting those big movies off for another day to check out this little film. (Theatrical version on the big screen, September 2, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  5.9.2015 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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