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    The Divergent Series: Allegiant


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    The “Divergent” series has petered out. We’ll never get the fourth and final chapter. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. Everyone could see this franchise was only green-lit because of the desperate appetite for more “Hunger Games” films. Still, it’s a bummer to see the poorly-conceived world, its uninteresting characters and lame twists go nowhere in the end. Well, not really.

    The walls surrounding Chicago are opened, allowing the remnants of humanity to see the outside world -until new leader Evelyn (Naomi Watts) closes them again. As dissension brews within the city, Tris (Shailene Woodley), Four (Theo James), Caleb (Ansel Elgort), Christina (Zoë Kravitz), Tori (Maggie Q) and Peter (Miles Teller) leave to find the ones who sent the message contained within the 5-sided box from the previous film. Hopefully, they will have answers and a way to restore peace.

    Although the plot is new, we get the same beats as before. Tris realizes the government body she trusts is up to no good. She rounds up her friends - and Peter, whom she keeps bringing along despite having betrayed or bullied her at every opportunity beforehand - and sets off. Then, we learn Tris has some kind of special skill or quality she never knew she had until the big conclusion where, once again, she takes up arms and tells us all it’s time to fight back! Every time, these events made us raise an eyebrow at the world. It never seemed to make sense. Shockingly, “Allegiant” finds ways to make its flimsily-constructed setting seem even stupider. Tris stumbles upon the architects behind the 5 factions. What could’ve possibly prompted them to take Hogwart’s 4-House system to the extreme and build an entire society around it? Let me tell you.

    Years ago, mankind went overboard with genetic manipulation. It resulted in most of humanity becoming mentally unbalanced and the world ruined. The few who didn’t buy into messing with their DNA opted to wipe everyone’s memories, throw them into these cities whose backward politics would keep them alive and hope for the best under the theory that people’s genetic codes would eventually fix themselves. They were right. Their plan worked. While everyone else's personalities are stilted, Tris is “pure”. She's the sign that the human race is back on track! It explains what we've seen before but seems needlessly convoluted.

    At least "Allegiant" isn't boring. The teenage angst in the middle of much bigger things, guessing aloud how evil the obviously evil characters will be, pointing out the plot holes or the way these people’s jobs could’ve been made much easier, these things will keep you entertained during the film. Was this how director Robert Schwentke intended to keep us engaged? No, but I take my entertainment where I can get it.

    The “Divergent” series began on shaky footing but it kinda-sorta showed some promise. With each subsequent chapter, some revelations hooked you in, we made some steps forward and the finish line seemed within eyesight. Then, the next chapter would begin, backpedal and make you wonder if those at the helm knew what they were doing. I know these films are based on a series of books, that "the whole story" was told over three novels but movie-wise, they could’ve easily stopped with “Insurgent”. They didn't, which means this franchise ends up going nowhere. There’s no need to watch “Allegiant” if you’re a fan of the series. All it does is leave you disappointed. If you were watching out of obligation/morbid curiosity, it's even more of a letdown. Come to think of it, the whole series leaves you unsatisfied. Just watch “Hunger Games” again. Heck, I’ll settle for “The Maze Runner”. (On Blu-ray, December 14, 2018)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  13.4.2016 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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