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    The Interview


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    After all that hoopla this idiotic piece of garbage was not even worth the drive down to the theatre. I am beginning to HATE both SETH ROGEN and JAMES FRANCO for all the pain and suffering they inflict upon us. Had it not been for the controversy surrounding the film, NEVER WOULD I HAVE SEEN IT. Frankly, I think a VERY BIG ONE was put over on all the movie going public by SONY in order to get people to see this diabolically bad comedy. After the decision not to release it, they waited awhile making people stew for it... AH! And then... conveniently changed their minds once public opinion had reached its height. This trash with no story line to speak of at all, full of disgusting toilet humour ( all those Fs + Pp ) is not worthy, actually degrading even for a 5 year old child. To boot, the acting is so bad especially by Mr. Franco who is one big jerk. I don't think I laughed even once.

    In a 5 year period, James Franco has gone from an Oscar Nominated A list Actor to a sort of inglorious bastard on two counts. First of all his lame comedies have sickened me to the point of no return. I will never go to another. Every single one of them is lame, totally undignified for an actor who should by now have reached Super Star Status. If he has reached it, it's for being a first class moron with not a shred of dignity, someone who has gone bellistic and ready to do anything for a lousy buck... With this said, there is another side to Franco which is just as irritating to most, but not as much for me, but nonetheless, one that is ruing his career. He insists on making all these literary masterpieces into films like 2014's As I LAY DYING plus films on the beat generation for which the public has no interest whatever. Everyone of these films have failed miserably at the box office. Some advice to FRANCO... find the middle road! Get back to the roots that made you a star in the first place. Why do you insist on making film after film that is a disaster? Have you not seen the trend? Are you simply too stupid or to VAIN! ENOUGH of your crap!!! Take a good long HIATUS so we don't have to see your puss at all and then after some time make a dignified come-back. As of now we, the public have only contempt for you... and yes, we ho have a heart, we really feel sorry for you.

    As for Seth Rogen, I have never liked him but in one film when he was playing a normal dude, not some jerk off with no brain. The film being Take This Waltz. Like Franco, his comedies have become a cesspool, everything that is rotten in Denmark, to quote from Shakespeare's HAMLET, a tragedy, the greatest in the world that can drive you quite mad once you've seen it 3 or 4 times as I have. Back to Rogen. He has now taken on the disgusting habit to disrobe to a further degree. When in half decent shape... and I really do mean half decent shape, actually below half decent, one could stomach somewhat looking at him on screen. NOW WITH THAT VERY HAIRY BODY LIKE A BEAR AND ALL THAT LOOSE BLUBBER, REMOVING shirts and pants left in your shorts is as disgusting as it gets. It actually should be outlawed, considered a crime against humanity! Dare I ask why you would do something so nauseating to the general public? Do you actually think we want to see a hairy butterball like you in the nude? Did you ever conceive of the idea of self dignity? This aside, your comedy, once a bit funny, has turned like Franco's into abysmal, abject failure, totally UNFUNNY! The only ones to laugh or state they laugh are the 12 to 18 […] who have nothing better to think about or to do except play moronic games, that is when not laughing at your sick humour.

    THE INTERVIEW is actually a valuable lesson for any thinking adult with some intelligence to now be very careful before putting down 13 bucks or more to see the garbage with which we are bombarded. I know I will never go to another Rogen/Franco film UNLESS they change back to the standards of five years ago or more. In all seriousness! How far are you willing to go to be INSULTED... and having to pay for it, to boot!

    Sorry for any errors! I didn't even dare re-read what I wrote about this dynamic duo failure!

    HelpfulNot helpful  Reply
    pietroantoni@  4.1.2015 age: 36-49 14,637 reviews

    Well said. Well written. I wanted to like it. I tried to do this by writing about it too.

    HelpfulNot helpful Reply
    jamesleroy@  5.1.2015 age: 50+ 26 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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