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    The Iron Giant


    Reviewed by

    “The Iron Giant” is no mere cartoon for kids; it’s a gem, a story that contains real characters, emotions, and thrills. You probably missed its initial theatrical release, so now's the perfect time to make up for that mistake.

    Set in 1957, a lonely young boy named Hogarth (Eli Marienthal) discovers a strange visitor from outer space: an amnesiac 50-foot-tall metal-eating robot (voiced by Vin Diesel) With the help of a beatnik artist named Dean (Harry Connick, Jr.), Hogarth attempts to keep his new friend hidden from Kent Mansley (voiced by Christopher McDonald), the suspicious government agent sent to investigate.

    Whenever I watch one of my childhood favorites, I have two concerns. First, is the movie going to hold up, or make me curse my infantile, undiscriminating past child-self? Two, if the movie is enjoyable, is it solely due to nostalgia? Those worries were for naught in this case."The Iron Giant" is wonderful regardless of your age.

    This picture contains everything you want: humor, characters you fall in love with, action, drama and real emotions. There are big laughs throughout, and a variety of humor too. Sometimes it’s funny interactions between Hogarth and the giant, with the young boy trying his best to keep his new friend out of danger and only narrowly, hilariously succeeding. Sometimes the laughs come from Hogarth finding inventive ways to escape detection from the adults, or the giant getting into trouble despite everyone's best efforts. There are no jokes that fall flat, and that’s quite a feat.

    Written by Tim McCanlies from a story by Brad Bird (who also directs and was inspired by Ted Hughes' "The Iron Man"), the film's got a message, a good one, about war and mutually assured destruction. Maybe the Cold War setting was chosen because sci-fi of that period gave us a number of classics (“The Day the Earth Stood Still”, “War of the Worlds” and "The Blob" for example) But I don't think so. When you examine the climax, the depth of this story is plain to see.

    I don’t know how anyone could help falling in love with this movie. The characters are rich and very likable. Hogarth, with his excitement over finding a giant metal man, ingenuity, and imagination is a terrific protagonist. He’s an active hero that grows through his time spent with the giant. Kent Mansley, who could have easily been a generic bad guy is someone that you come to understand (though not necessarily like) Even the other adults, who, in typical child-centered adventures, are often reduced to being simple obstacles rather than actual people feel real. Not to be forgotten is the Giant himself. Although of few words, the vivid animation and the extensive use of body language make it feel real; as much a living, feeling creature capable of love as any of us.

    I know that no movie can please everyone. There’s always some grouch that, for inexplicable reasons will go against the current and claim that a great movie is no good. Unless you were once molested by a robot, I can’t imagine anyone not falling for this film. It ends on a powerful note, a perfect conclusion. There is no way my words can really do justice towards it. “The Iron Giant” will always have a place in my heart. (On DVD, November 28, 2014)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  8.2.2018 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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