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    This Is the End


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    "This is the End" has a thin plot, low-brow humor, but it delivers so many laughs that pointing this out feels like nitpicking. The all-star cast includes Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel, James Franco, Craig Robinson, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, Michael Cera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Emma Watson and a slew of others playing characters that are exaggerated versions of themselves.

    Jay Baruchel arrives in LA to visit his buddy Seth Rogen, who in turn invites Jay to a housewarming party hosted by James Franco and his celebrity friends. Suddenly, the world ends. Beams of light suck the righteous up to heaven, demons start roaming the earth and pits of fire open up, swallowing most of the people left behind. The survivors have to figure out a way to co-exist in Franco's home while rationing the little food they have left and figuring out a way to escape the apocalypse.

    It's crass and juvenile but it goes all the way with it and makes it's frequent shot below the belt work in its favor. Unless you're a real stick in the mud it's hard not to burst out laughing as these fools try in vain to get along and survive after the end of the world has just been dropped on their heads. These guys are backstabbing each other, getting hung up on petty issues, playing favorites, barely using their heads and every second they manage to avoid a brimstone-y demonic death is a miracle. There's a hilarious exchange where Danny McBride and James Franco are having a heated argument about a porno magazine that has to last at least 3 minutes that had me feeling like an idiot for finding it funny. But I can't deny that it really worked. It helps that nearly every actor is playing him/herself. It means the movie doesn't really need to contain any character setup or development whatsoever, it's all about the jokes and the crazy situations submitted for our approval. That's not to say that there isn't a plot. There's actually a very strong subplot about Seth Rogen and Jay Baruchel's fading friendship that's touching at times. It means you care about these guys, even when they keep getting themselves in one stupid/dangerous situation after another.

    One thing you need to know about this movie is that for all of it's gross, dumb humor there are also quite a few frightening scenes. The movie has creatures that are scary (on top of being really well designed to look original and memorable) and there are some scenes where there's real tension. You never really know who is going to make it out alive and who isn't. You have an idea but the characters we follow are the "bad guys", the ones that got left behind when all the good people got brought up to heaven. When some of them bite the dust you tell yourself "well, yeah that was probably bound to happen".

    "This Is the End" proves that your movie can have flaws but get away with it if you accomplish what you set out to do. This 2013 comedy wants to entertain you, scare you a little bit, make fun of its cast, and make you laugh. So what if many of the jokes are tasteless almost to the point of being offensive? Does it matter that the actors aren't stretching themselves very far? Will you really care that the story can be summed up in a couple of sentences? The movie is downright hilarious, and you can tell that there is genuine passion present. There are a lot of surprises throughout so if you're a fan of any of the main characters check it out, you'll have a great time. (Theatrical version on the big screen, August 8, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  2.9.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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