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    Thoroughly Modern Millie


    Reviewed by

    A period musical comedy that inspired the Broadway hit of the same name starring Sutton Foster in a Tony winning role. In this mad cap farce from a distant past one thing proven is that values don't change so much from one era to another. Millie wants to become a different type of young woman, a modern girl. As things turn out, Millie realizes that she's not that girl she was trying to emulate. The cast is amazing with the zany Carol Channing in an Oscar Nominated Performance and one of my favourite male stars along for the ride, namely John Gavin, who played opposite all the great leading ladies from the sixties and seventies. He eventually became ambassador for the U.S. to the United Nations.

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    pietroantoni@  27.8.2015 age: 36-49 14,630 reviews

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    Select stars from 1 to 10.
    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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