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    Bye Bye Birdie


    Reviewed by

    A musical from an age so removed from us that it has lost whatever it had going for it in the first place, which to my mind, was certainly not much. The whole premise of an Elvis type figure going into the army is both possible and probable as the real ELVIS did serve two years in Germany. However, the story is pure saccherine as the goody Ann Margaret and family come off as no better than a caricature of an American family. Then having Janet Leigh playing a Puerto Rican or Latina in a dark wig is preposterous. The part belonged to Chita Rivera on Broadway, but she was nixed for the role she created. The Dick Van Dyke character as a mommy's boy was absurd as was Bobby Rydell made to look like Ann Margaret was interested in him. One can understand why such musicals could never be done in our day and age.

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    pietroantoni@  16.3.2015 age: 36-49 14,621 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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