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    Monsieur Verdoux


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    MONSIEUR VERDOUX, made in 1947, released in 1948 is indispensable CHARLIE CHAPLIN in this day and age. Ever since the silent days, like 1912 for Charlie, he always played The Little Tramp on screen no matter the role. Even in 1940's THE GREAT DICTATOR, impersonating HITLER during the WW II years ( yet another Oscar Nomination as Best Actor ), HE WAS ESSENTIALLY STILL PLAYING THE LITTLE TRAMP, look, moves and all, in Army Gear, the famous Hitler/Chaplin mustache right under his nose. HOWEVER, with MONSIEUR VERDOUX ( French for :GREENISH"), The little tramp suddenly jumped out of his skin to basically create a monster of a man. The film did not do well at the box-office as very few could stand to swatch their beloved Charlie Chaplin so shockingly play against type. The former sweet little tramp with a heart of gold was now directing and starring in a macabre role, a deeply black comedy, a family man turned blue beard on the hunt for PREY... Martha Raye plays one of the better known widows of the film and as usual, she is hilarious. At first I thought this was rather strange casting, but it does offer some needed REAL comic relief. With Monsieur Verdoux, we would never again see the little tramp, Charlie, now a sophisticated man of certain years has a knack for the ladies. But the film is not as simple as that. Charlie had always been a bit of a light weight philosopher in his many years as the tramp. In VERDOUX. A moral, philosophical issue is raised, a hard one to connect to the greatest comic genius of the silent screen. I suppose people simply didn't want to associate with their former lovable tramp, now the very antithesis of that funny, odd little man. The Tramp was gone forever and with him any vestige of goodness. In the beautiful LIMELIGHT, 1951 (SMILE, composed by Chaplin comes from the movie ) he plays a kindly ballet mentor to a very young CLARE BLOOM who is in financial straights; a few years later in the 1957 comedy KING OF NEW YORK Charlie is in top form again, but not as the tramp. Much later Mr. Chaplin directed but did not star in his last venture of all THE COUNTESS FROM HONG KONG with Sofia Loren and Marlon Brando. COUNTESS; even with all that talent did not do well at the box office. Sad! Perhaps, but one must have a proper perspective and realize Mr. Chaplin had over 60 years of veritable successes, one following the other. Further, Charlie was not THE LITTLE TRAMP in real life. He was a complex, complicated character whose politics finally drove him out of the U. S. At 48 he married Oona, then 19. They had some 8 children and lived happily ever after, Gerladine and Sydney Chaplin, the best known of their children. NOT BAD FOR A LITTLE ENGLISHMAN WHO EMIGRATED FROM POVERTY ROW LONDON to Hollywood to become one of the giants of WORLD CINEMA! And he will always remain that giant of WORLD CINEMA! CHAPLAIN or CHARLOT, as he is known in Europe will live as long as cinema lives. WHAT A GENIUS!

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    pietroantoni@  24.11.2014 age: 36-49 14,637 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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