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    The Zero Theorem


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    So-called Visionary director Terry Gilliam is no visionary director for me. I truly loathe all of his films. He is a wacky far out director who feels all are going to be able to follow his STUPID, non-sensical ideas. He hatches up the most ridiculous situations and characters that are virtually impossible to figure out. Ever since I saw Brazil, I was so turned off I walked out of the theatre with my friends. Rarely have I returned to a Gilliam film but this seemed intriguing. It turned out to be the usual mess that is impossible to decipher. I don't believe I hate any directors films as much as those of TERRY GILLIAM. The Zero Theorem was not watchable on any level. One of the comments by a gentleman indicated that having seen Brazil would be a natural conduit for The Zero Theorem. He obviously hasn't a clue as to what he is saying. His idea is so much rubbish because when Brazil was made, the computer as we now know it didn't even exist. This gentleman gave the film a 10 out of 10, as he said, to balance out all the other horrendous reviews. He obviously must have found the film disturbing to watch and probably did not get it at all. In this bomb, Christoph Waltz who has won two Oscars_ for Inglorious Bastards and Django Unchained seems like a fish out of water because of the story line and script. WALTZ is really bad. The plotline is so terrible and the whole movie with its special effects seem like some sort of nightmare from which you can't awake, a sort of ALICE IN WONDERLAND gone beyond berserk for even that quirky story which seems to have been written while on opium or some other drug of that era that makes everything grievously wrong and absurd. The whole ordeal deals with computers, si-fi, data leaving most unable to follow such a technical film that is out to prove something, namely: to prove that all in this world is for nothing. In other words it deals with existential problems like the meaning of life and the very reason for being. The general public can't even contemplate such matters. A great deal of the movie revolves around a few characters in front of a computer doing what has to be done. In other words, the acting often consists between man and computer. THIS IS SO TIRESOME and boring to the point that you just feel like screaming: "GET ON WITH IT!" It's like watching paint dry! I think Terry Gilliam is A NUT, a SCREWBALL if he thinks the average filmgoer can in any way follow his weird notions. THAT IS WHY MOST OF HIS FILMS ARE HUGE FLOPS! And still he continues with the same old theories that are worse than bad. The cast is terrific so it bewilders me that they would have taken their roles in this movie. Academy Award Winner Christoph Waltz is unbearable to watch. Even Oscar Winner Matt Damon in a secondary role as some sort of mechanical overseer to the computer issues with white hair and all is absurd. It's the first time I have disliked a Matt Damon role. And then there are the wasted talents of David Tewlis and Tilda Swinton, who in life is an extraordinarily bizarre woman and therefore seems to SOMEWHAT fit in her secondary role. She is also an Oscar winner so I do not want to denigrate her talents as a fine actress. The further problem of the film is that so many outlandish things occur and they seem to come out of nowhere making the proceedings impossible to follow. I can't find ONE reasonable feature in this film and taking into account Terry Gilliam's track record of junk movie after junk movie, I'm surprised he is able to find funding for his films. He should not be making films: ONE because they are impossible to figure out; Two: all of them lose money; and THREE, none of them are entertaining. I'll try not to blow my own horn but one has to be pretty intelligent to follow any of Gilliam's crap. With my many University degrees I can decipher what he is trying to get at but the means he uses don't justify a very painful two hours of watching an abominably BAD FILM. PLEASE DON'T EVEN TRY TO WATCH THE FILM... I CAN ASSURE YOU YOU WILL HAVE ONLY A SUPERFICIALLY SCANT IDEA AS TO WHAT IS GOING ON, ALL OF IT RUBBISH! I would have given the film a ZERO were it possible!

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    pietroantoni@  7.9.2014 age: 36-49 14,637 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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