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    Zero Dark Thirty


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    "Zero Dark Thirty" isn't only a depiction of the hunt for Osama bin Laden; it's a great thriller that feels completely genuine and a collection of excellent performances. Based on true events, the film follows Jessica Chastain as Maya, a CIA agent who heads the search. It isn't easy business (as you might have guessed from the fact that the hunt took over a decade) Throughout the film we witness Maya make tough calls, some even based on speculations that could have a catastrophic impact on her career and some controversial decisions, like the one to extra information through the torture of prisoners.

    Some movies that are based on true stories of events have to spice it up a bit for dramatic effect or invent new characters. Actually, most of them do. For that reason, I've never seen it as a bad thing. I don't need to see that 30-day period where our hero or heroine had to take a break from the investigation because some idiot up in management misplaced some paper work and no one was able to find the original documents so a lot of field work had to be done… just to get the plot back on track. Real life is boring, movies are supposed to be exciting. The problem is when the additions and modifications come off as artificial and obvious. There aren't any moments like that in "Zero Dark Thirty". All of the characters and events feel natural and genuine. It really captures the frustration and intensity that the real events must have brought to the people involved because there are a lot of leads that turn out to be dead ends and a lot of little details that turn out to be critical. It's a complicated thriller that doesn't pull any punches or sugarcoat the events either, a lot of characters are moving in different directions at the same time and doing things that are sometimes pretty unflattering. Those help the movie feel real.

    Jessica Chastain delivers an excellent performance and while she stands out, there isn't anyone here that's bad or that you won't be impressed by. One thing you should know, whether you're planning on seeing this in the theatre or later on DVD/Blu-ray is that this is a complex film and if you're tired or only paying half-attention you'll get lost, you won't understand what's going on and you won't get the full scope of this film. Grab a caffeinated drink to keep you awake and turn off your cell phone before you start the movie, and don't think that means the movie is boring. What I'm saying is that this movie is like Chastain's character. It doesn't slow down or pander to anyone. It's tough and keeps on going no matter what.

    You'll be impressed by the performances but what got me most was how uncompromising it is. It does not feel like the piece of pro-U. S. propaganda you might expect it to be. It shows people as they are warts and all and never feels exploitative. I think even if Osama bin Laden hadn't been caught, this would still have been an interesting film (though of course that conclusion makes it that much more exciting) I'd like to see this one again and really take a closer look at the character of Maya, as a female protagonist I found her very complex and intriguing. I strongly recommend "Zero Dark Thirty". (Theatrical version on the big screen, January 17, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  18.7.2015 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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