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    Edge of Tomorrow


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    There have been some successful video-game-to-movie adaptations made here and there. Out of all of them, “Edge of Tomorrow” is the best… even though it isn’t actually based on a game. It’s hard to explain but you’ll see what I mean if you read on.

    After an arduous struggle against alien invaders called Mimics, mankind has finally managed to hold their advance and now, we’re getting ready to counter-attack. When Major William Cage (Tom Cruise) is ordered to head into battle by his superiors, he tries to unsuccessfully blackmail his way out of combat, is knocked unconscious and sent to the front lines as punishment. The campaign is a disaster. Within minutes, everyone, including Cage, is dead. That’s when he wakes up. Something happened to him and now he relives that attack over and over.

    Based on the Japanese novel “All You Need is Kill” (which is actually a much better title), this movie takes you by surprise. I had to spoil the premise to get you intrigued, but if you didn’t know, you’d be scratching your head from the beginning. Tom Cruise playing a coward who gets bumped off minutes in? Even when he wakes up alive again, he’s still a wimp who desperately wants to avoid the battlefield. Didn’t see that coming. What follows is a hybrid of “Starship Troopers” and “Groundhog Day”. Like in a video game, everyone - Mimic and human alike - ends up at the same spot, does the same thing, and has the same lines to say unless Cage does something to move them. This allows him to strategize and through trial and error, become impossibly skilled. This means you’ll get many hilarious scenes as he tries to get to that one place at the right time… only to fail and die horribly. You’ll also see mind-blowing sequences in which he effortlessly blows legions of opponents away, firing behind him in exactly the right spot to ensure a kill shot and dodging projectiles like he’s got eyes on the back of his head.

    The time loop mechanic is just one aspect of the film. The truth is, no matter how good you are at firing a gun, you’ll eventually run out of bullets. A single man could never take down an entire invasion on his own. As we get deeper into the plot, we move away from the chaos of the war zone and towards the big question. Why is this happening? How does Cage break the loop? The answers lie in Sergeant Rita Vrataski, the “Full Metal Bitch” (Emily Blunt). She’s the opposite of Cage. Cool, collected, brave and highly skilled. Too bad the time power thing was given to the slimy noodle instead of her…

    "Edge of Tomorrow" is a blast. It’s laugh-out-loud funny, and then it switches into action mode. The battles are the kind that makes other films look wimpy by comparison. Not only are the actors doing their own stunts but all of the combat is creative and expertly directed. We get plenty of satisfying character moments and growth, which is expected in this type of film, but the way the screenplay by Christopher McQuarrie, Jez Butterworth and John-Henry Butterworth does it is unexpected. A large chunk of the film is about two people, one of which can change, and the other cannot, at least not in the same way.

    The plot moves quickly, there are many memorable lines and moments, you love digging into the mystery and the special effects are top-notch. There’s so much of it to like you start second-guessing yourself. “Is this movie really this awesome, or am I crazy? ” Your gut instinct is correct. “Awesome” is the perfect word. The ending might seem a little too clean for some but a key line in the film sets it up and you’ve got to give this picture credit for truly understanding just how powerful a tool time travel is.

    Following a so-so run at the box office, "Edge of Tomorrow" was rebranded as “Live. Die. Repeat” on home video. Now, it's just waiting to be discovered. Seek it out and you’ll have a blast. (On Blu-ray, April 19, 2019)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  17.6.2014 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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