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    Imagine: John Lennon


    Reviewed by

    I absolutely adored this deep, insightful world of the great John Lennon all spoken with his own words from hundreds of hours of tape, film recording, home movies and photos from early childhood to just to weeks before his assassination. The doc starts with an almost pastoral setting of his and Yoko Ono's home in Ascot, England. We then get all the Beatlemania of the sixties followed by all the Lennon controversies of the seventies and they were very serious, controversial ones. The breakup of the Beatles still remains somewhat of a mystery, but the fact is that Lennon simply could not go on in that type of environment any longer stated by his own words. The breakup would have happened with or without Yoko Ono but the three other Beatles did resent her on stage with them continuously in the latter years of the group.

    I have very ambivalent feelings of Lennon after viewing this doc. From 1970 on he went on preaching peace and love yet did many outrageous things that angered many, many people disregarding serious opinions the media had of him and wife Ono. The two did feel they were totally right on every decision they made and made no bones about it. He also led a lifestyle of utter privilege and pleasure which does not usually go hand in hand with the message he was continually preaching. He once quoted that he wanted a peaceful movement like Ghandi but he was no Ghandi. His assassin stated firmly even many years later that he heard voices to kill John Lennon because he had betrayed the message of his cause. I don't know if this is true or false but I do know John Lennon was a stupendous songwriter and was able to interpret his work with the most beautiful voice and genuineness. What a tragic loss of a man who still had a half life or more to live and continue his luminous career.

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    pietroantoni@  30.7.2016 age: 36-49 14,637 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
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