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    Jack the Giant Killer


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    "Jack the Giant Killer" is a knock-off of great the Ray Harryhausen action fantasy films. That means the special effects aren't nearly as good, but it's got a lot of charm. It’s like when you talk about “Critters” or “Sleepaway Camp”. Sometimes what matters isn’t so much about who is stealing from what, it’s about the end results. When it comes to this 1962 film, it’s fun so you forgive the uncanny resemblances to “The 7th Voyage of Sinbad” “Jason and the Argonauts” (although that one technically came out a year later.)

    The evil sorcerer Pendragon (Torin Thatcher) has waited for years to have his revenge upon the people who exiled him. Finally upon the celebration of Princess Elaine (Judi Meredith) he puts forward a sinister plot to capture the woman, transform her into an evil witch and then marry her. Only a brave farm lad named Jack (Kerwin Matthews) can save her from this upcoming evil.

    The resemblances between this film and “The 7th Voyage of Sinbad” are no mere coincidences. Both Thatcher and Kerwin Matthews acted in it; Nathan H. Juran who directs this film directed “7th Voyage” and producer Edward Small is also attached to both pictures. Several giants that resemble Harryhausen’s Cyclops are prominently featured here and many other stop motion monsters are present throughout. This was made to cash-in on the genre. Unfortunately the special effects aren't nearly as good. The animation is not as smooth and there are a couple of errors present (a scene early on where a tree branch appears and disappears is the most glaring example) At times the effects are downright cheesy. While sailing for Normandy, witches attack the film’s heroes and we get a day-for-night shot that's tinted purple with really weird looking light effects. I don’t mind too much but it does raise a few eyebrows.

    What the movie lacks in technical prowess and originality, it makes up for in charm. This story hits pretty much every single fantasy trope and that's where it works. Had the story done a few, it would seem cliché but you get everything here so it plays like a “best of”. You get giants, a dragon (though it's labelled as a harpy in the trailer), an evil wizard with a Dracula cape, witches, curses that turn people into animals, a princess that's kidnapped so the villain can marry her, a farm boy that rises to become a great hero, a magical genie, a kid sidekick, an evil army, magical weapons and more. Everything you could desire in a fairy tale is present. It makes the experience feel delightfully nostalgic, even if you've never seen it before. Some of the characters that would normally feel annoying, like the kid sidekick and the wish-granting leprechaun that speaks in rhymes, are also well done. I saw this movie when I was little, found it randomly on DVD and to be honest, I thought that watching it again would make me realize that it was nothing special and that I could get rid of it to make some room. It won me over again though. I like this movie, even if it’s no masterpiece.

    It's hard to pinpoint what it is exactly that “Jack the Giant Killer” so much fun to watch. It could be the action scenes, which are well done. Perhaps it’s the fast-moving plot filled with likeable characters. I think it might be the villain and the arsenal of monsters he employs. Pendragon is such a stereotypical fantasy villain that he's delightful. He even has a hunchback sidekick and a widow's peak to go along with his vampire cape!

    This is not a masterpiece but it has heart and all of the little bits work together. Children and adults will enjoy the familiarity of the story and the creatures. Fans of stop motion will enjoy it because of the craftsmanship and the creature design (they may be knockoffs but they're decent knockoffs of really good products) If like me you saw this as a kid and liked it, you'll have a lot of fun revisiting the movie."Jack the Giant Killer" is good fantasy fun that's just the right kind of mix of cheese and high adventure excitement. (On Dvd, March 30, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  28.2.2016 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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