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    The Rose Tattoo


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    Having finally seen Tennessee William's miraculous Broadway play The Rose Tattoo, filmed way back in 1955, it's impossible NOT to gush over this Daniel Mann production. However, I don't like labels and the label for this film as a romantic comedy is almost absurd even though the movie does have romance and funny moments. However, the premise of the film and dilemma of the widow (Anna Magnani) is anything but funny. It is a source of much sadness which has turned her life upside down and made her somewhat of a "crazy" person. With this off my mind, let's see why The Rose Tattoo is such a gem of a film.

    It would be crazy not to start with Oscar Winning Lead Actress and every other film award of 1955... Miss Anna Magnani. Williams wanted her to play the role on Broadway, but Anna was just not comfortable enough with her English. No American Actor has ever given a performance like Magnani. She is earthy, crude, has one hell of a temper, ingredients that make for a dynamic performance if not hammed up. She is deliciously perfect as the "signora delle rose." (lady of the roses) There's no hiding she's an Italian mother who worships her Oscar Nominated daughter, Marisa Pavan, but what mama says goes... end of discussion. Magnani acts with her entire body as would be expected of a truly great Italian legend. She's usually screaming, hands flying everywhere, always on the go and seemingly rushed though she is so often simply housebound.

    When the character of Mangiacavallo (a too young Burt Lancaster) enters her life in a more serious vein, truths about the past start rearing their ugly head, as it were. But matters also become somewhat delicious in the relationship between the widow and the ever-laughing Mangiacavallo, a man of little polish who thinks life should be one big laugh fest. The widow's rants and tirades with him are in deadly earnest which makes them even more extraordinary and funny. Magnani literally has a field day with this role that was written with her in mind. As the saying goes: " she can literally chew up the very furniture."

    I won't mention why the film is called The Rose Tattoo as it would give something away. But take it from me, you will have a ball in this crazy upside down daily world of the widow and those around her. Yes! Matters get somewhat serious as the widow decides to take action into her own hands, but nothing can be said of this. It would ruin the film. Williams and Hal Kanter collaborated on the screenplay from the original play. The adaptation is nothing short of brilliant! If for no other reason, one should see The Rose Tattoo for Anna Magnani's universally praised performance. It is truly one of the greatest Oscar wins of all time!

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    pietroantoni@  4.5.2015 age: 36-49 14,628 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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