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    "Amour" is a well made and incredibly acted movie about a very difficult subject. This movie was nominated for a 2012 Oscar for "Best Picture" and also won "Best Foreign Film" which has been attracting a lot of people to it, but this isn't necessarily what you would call an "entertaining movie". That's not to say that it's boring, or even that it's not interesting to watch, but this is a movie about someone dying and by default that doesn't really make it a movie that's aimed at pleasing audiences looking for a fun date night. For that reason, a lot of people will probably go in looking to have a great time at the movies, looking to see "One of the best pictures of the year" and leave saying "was that it? " because it doesn't flow like a conventional movie does. Honestly, it's a difficult movie to watch that's very emotional and a really frank look at what it would be like to live through the scenario that's presented on the screen. Basically, it's the movie about a man and a woman that have been married for years, are completely in love with each other (even though they have their disagreements once in a while) and have grown old together until things take a turn for the worst and the wife (Emmanuelle Riva) becomes bedridden. Her husband (played by Jean-Louis Trintignant) has to care for her, even though it becomes unbearable to simply wait and watch as his wife wastes away. Now you might be wondering to yourself why you should be watching this. Sounds pretty depressing up to now and yes, it is, but it's also pretty illuminating and very touching. Watching "Amour" will really make you think. The performances are so good and the script is so genuine that it never feels artificial and feels more like a documentary than a fictional story. Looking at this will make you wonder about you would do in either of the situations. Would you be prepared to care for someone the way that this man cares for his wife? The movie certainly shows you how difficult it can be and there are some characters that try and give up, while others stick to it and do the best that they can. You also get to see the flipside. If you were bedridden would you want to be taken care of by your loved ones like this, or would you rather go to a hospital and be treated by nurses? Would you even be able to live through it all? It raises a lot of complicated and difficult questions and you'll be thinking (depending on your age) of you grandparents, your parents and yourself too. In a way this movie is a horror movie and a wakeup call because it never flinches and shows you exactly how bad it can get. Even if you watch the movie and don't care for it, you won't be able to deny that the performances are first class. For Emmanuelle Riva, it's an incredible performance that's not only done through dialogue, but it's also a great physical performance and you'll have to remind yourself while watching the movie that she is in fact, not dying in real life. Jean-Louis Trintignant also does a tremendous job portraying a husband that loves his wife so much he can't say no to her and can't let go of her either, even as she wastes away to nothing. Aside from the main characters, we also get great performances from the rest of the cast, which is kept small to create a really emotional film that feels personal. On the one hand, it's a hard film to recommend because it is difficult to watch, but it feels like an important story that desperately needs to be seen in order to illuminate people on a very real subject that no one can ever really be ready for. For that reason, you should see the film and see it all the way through, no matter how it makes you feel because it's a powerful experience that will really stick with you and probably change the way you think about the subject of growing old. There are a few moments towards the end that are a bit confusing but those are minor flaws and otherwise it's an expertly directed film that has a lot more going on that just what you see at the surface."Amour" is difficult to watch but it's worth taking a chance to see if it will be your thing. (Theatrical version on the big screen, March 28, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  25.4.2013 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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