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    Bridget Jones's Diary


    Reviewed by

    “Bridget Jones’s Diary” has universal appeal. It’s very well acted, memorable and insightful, the dialogue is razor-sharp and overall, it’s very funny. There’s a lot to like here, particularly for women that feel as frustrated as the titular character, but there’s plenty for the guys too. I’m a guy (some have said that I’m “all man”, take that as you will) and I love this movie. Bridget Jones (Renée Zellweger) is a single, accident-prone, sardonic, cigarette-smoking woman in her thirties that worries about her weight and wonders if she will ever find a man to love her... or if she will end up dying alone, discovered by the police weeks after her demise. She suddenly finds herself torn between two men. Appealing, but a little precarious is the option of her handsome, powerful, flirty and very sexy boss Daniel Cleaver (Hugh Grant) At the same time, she’s also drawn to Mark Darcy (Colin Firth) He makes a bad first impression, he’s rude, arrogant, and clearly isn’t single but somehow there’s something about him that’s magnetic.

    The movie’s got enormous charm because of Bridget Jones. She feels like a real person. She makes mistakes at home and in her personal life. She says stupid things, she dates the wrong guys, she has a job that’s ok, but not great and her parents drive her crazy. It doesn’t matter who you are, or at what stage in your life you’re in, you can relate to her. I found her very sexy for the exact reason that the love interests in so many romantic comedies are phony. I’ll give you an example if you will allow me to go on a short tangent. Let’s look at say... Jessica Alba in “Good Luck Chuck”. Say what you will about Alba’s acting chops, but this is a woman so hot and desirable they put her front-and-center on the DVD cover of “Fantastic Four”, despite the movie being so bad the only ones who would watch it are die-hard Marvel Comics fans who care nothing about the actors portraying characters they can’t get enough of. Somehow, we’re supposed to believe that in GLC, this woman has no boyfriend and works a regular job in a. Oh, we’re given an excuse, which is that she’s clumsy, or doesn’t want a boyfriend, or has a jerk boyfriend (but she doesn’t know it) or is tied up and prevented from dating because of work. It’s ludicrous, but it’s good enough for the dummies the film is intended to please so they forego normally crucial things like character development or any genuine attempt to make her into a real.

    Back to “Bridget Joneses’s Diary”. This movie draws you in because real people populate it. They get angry, they get sad. They make mistakes, they have dreams and ambitions. You relate to them and when they feel something, you feel them too because you empathize with them. You look at this movie and you say “Boy, do I know what SHE feels like now”. Sure there are a few sequences that are a bit outlandish, but they’re never ludicrous. It’s more like the highlights of a really bad week. It’s funny in the same way that you look back at that time where you walked into an interview only to find that you forgot to wear pants that day. What I’m trying to say is that there are very few sequences here that won’t remind you of your own life experiences.

    Also appealing is the romance; not only with Bridget and the two guys but also with Bridget and herself. There’s terrific chemistry between all of the leads so it’s a top-notch date flick. If you’re just watching it by yourself it works too. She’s a woman that wants to have it all, and why not? Why can't she be sexy, go out and live life, have the guy of her dreams and have a good career? She certainly deserves it when she applies herself and makes it clear that she doesn't expect every opportunity will fall in her lap. She works for it and learns to become a better, fuller person. Seeing Bridget's journey, it changes the film into something unexpected. In addition to the storyline about romantic love and the love of oneself, there’s another love story in “Bridget Jones’s Diary”: the love the audience develops for Bridget. I certainly fell for her.

    It’s got the essential for a great romantic comedy: the unbridled joy of falling for someone and having them fall for you in return, and the laughs. This is a very funny film. I love the sardonic remarks that Bridget makes at her foolish mother. It’s also got a lot of sweetness to counterbalance her self-deprecating attitude. It is a romantic film, a hopeful story that stays away from the clichés we’re all tired of, the ones that compose the skeleton of every hackneyed, lame-brained rom-com. As an extra bonus, you’ve got a very charismatic lead actress who melts into the role completely. She’s not wearing a mask or sporting some kind of accent, she’s not dressed up in clothes from 200 years ago, and yet, I didn’t even recognize Renée Zellweger. All I saw was Bridget Jones (maybe that’s why she was nominated for the role) This movie makes me feel really good and I’m excited to see the sequel. I hear it’s not on the same level, but if it’s half as great as this one, it'll still be a boatload of fun. Needless to say, I strongly recommend you check this one out. If you’re a dude, don’t be a lump that pretends he can’t empathize who women’s daily trials. Just watch Bridget Jones’s Diary and enjoy it, your lady friends will find you a lot more appealing once you do. (On DVD, April 22, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  17.9.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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