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    Man of Steel


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    "Man of Steel" is a mixed bag of thrilling action and all too familiar blockbuster elements but when it works it definitely makes it worth your while. This origin story begins on the planet Krypton. When Jor-El (Russel Crowe) and Lara discovered that their world is doomed, they manage to save their only son by sending him to Earth. Our planet's lower gravity, rich atmosphere and young yellow sun imbue Kal-El with extraordinary powers. When the tyrannical Kryptonian General Zod (Michael Shannon) arrives on Earth, reporter Louis Lane (Amy Adams) and Superman (Henry Cavill) must stop him.

    As of 2013, Superman has been published for 75 years. The character has gone through many different interpretations. If you're familiar with the comics, you're likely a little bit annoyed at getting yet another origin story. Don't wait for home video thinking the movie will be more enjoyable by fast forwarding through the intro though because the origin portion of the story is actually the most interesting part. What's presented here is done in a way that is vastly different from the previous interpretations of the character. The designs of the planet Krypton and the alien technology is not a re-hash of what we've seen in the Christopher Reeve films and thanks to today's special effects they look quite convincing. His depicting of Clark Kent is of a man who's looking for his identity. Unlike other superhero characters, he's always had strength that far surpassed a normal person's and for him this is the opportunity to let loose and stop hiding who he is. You can tell that a huge burden has been lifted from his shoulders when he puts on the cape and starts flying. During the sequences where he rushes past the Earth's wildlife and geography he's feeling genuine joy.

    You might be lamenting the fact that once again, General Zod is the villain. No Brainiac, Parasite or Metallo. Don’t. Michael Shannon is a great bad guy. He steals the show every time he makes an appearance. He’s not just a one-dimensional world conqueror, particularly towards the end of the film we get some good moments that reveal a lot about the man. I also find it interesting to see the contrast between two people who have identical abilities but come from two completely different worlds. I thought what would impress me the most about the film was the special effects, but I found that his character made much more of an impact on me.

    The side characters are also well fleshed out and help enhance the viewing experience. Lois Lane isn't just a useless damsel in distress waiting to be saved. She's integral to the plot and a smart journalist all the way to the end of the film. Kevin Costner as Superman’s adopted father Jonathan Kent gives a terrific performance and has a scene that packs some genuine emotional punch when he is caught between a grave danger, pretty much certain death and the temptation of exposing his son as an alien. Russell Crowe as Jor-El is a great intellectual counter to Zod and even though her role is small, Antje Traue has a memorable part as Zod's right-hand woman Faora. For fans of the Superman character you'll also have a lot of fun looking for clues to other characters in the DC Universe, and while some are obvious, like signage depicting Lex Corps and Wayne Enterprises (hinting towards possible inclusions of Lex Luthor and Batman in future films) there are also some sneaky ones that only the die-hard fans will pickup including a possible cameo by an important character in the Green Lantern storyline (not the Ryan Reynolds movie, the comic book character on which he's based)

    There are also some pretty gutsy moves in the film that take the character of Superman in a direction you've never seen him before. The most notable is at the very end of the movie but one that's probably overlooked is a scene where under the guise of Clark Kent he visits a church to get some counsel from Father Leone, the pastor of his hometown. This shows some genuine vulnerability. Even though you never see him attend mass or anything like that it feels like a very human and genuine touch. Sure, there have been some superheroes that have wielded crosses or holy water to ward off demons or vampires but this is totally unrelated to the plot and is used to develop the character.

    Those points are all nice but what you really care about in a superhero movie is the action right? This aspect is both the strongest and weakest points in the film. The action is cool to watch. The special effects are first rate; it moves quickly and uses Superman's special abilities to the full potential. The destruction that takes place in “Man of Steel” is nothing short of apocalyptic as characters are thrown through buildings, cars are reduced to scrap and entire city blocks are annihilated. You can tell from the damage that's being caused that the villains Superman battles are true menaces. We wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell without him. What doesn't work is the way the action sequences are set up. For a complex villain, Zod's plans basically resort to your standard super villain "take over the world" plot and he makes some really stupid mistakes. I also feel like the film goes overboard with how much destruction there is. The characters set in the story are deep but often the plot isn't and that's the big disappointment. It would have taken just that extra push to make this into a great film and as is, it's simply a good film.

    While there are some problems with "Man of Steel" the good outweigh the bad. If you're at all interested in the character and ready to sit through a 2 and a half hour origin story you won't be upset to have spent your evening with “Man of Steel”. I say skip the 3-D though. There aren't a lot of moments that will have you dodging shrapnel and explosions. On the big screen, you’ll get to experience the spectacle of it all in a way that won’t be the same as it would be at home. (3-D Theatrical version on the big screen, June 25, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  30.3.2016 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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