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    "Robocop" is violent, funny, exciting and one of the best action films to come out of the 80's. There isn't anything that doesn't work. It aged tremendously well, even frighteningly so. There is so much going on here that even on a second or third viewing you'll notice something new that will delight you.

    In the near future, Detroit, Michigan is on the verge of total collapse due to the city’s financial ruin and rampant crime. When Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) is brutally gunned down by violent criminals, he is rebuilt as a cyborg. Super corporation OCP’s answer to crime: RoboCop.

    This movie is brutal, with characters getting blown away left and right minutes into the running time. Originally rated X but edited down to an R-rating, even the "tamer" cut of the film will genuinely shock you when it comes to bloody scenes involving Kurtwood Smith as Clarence, a sadistic thug. Somehow, director Paul Verhoeven manages to get that perfect mix of comedy and shocking carnage. It never goes over that edge into tasteless cinema. One scene the brutal violence will have you laughing hysterically while the next will have you feeling genuinely disturbed and emotionally shaken (depending on what the story wants you to feel) The villains in the film are reprehensible and you delight in seeing Robocop deliver the kind of police justice that only the movies can deliver. These slime balls get shot, blown up, stabbed, melted, defenestrated, and every time you'll be screaming "Yeah! Take that you dirt bag! That's what you get!"

    One of the picture’s biggest strengths is its villains. You get a lot of them, each is distinct from one another and reflect different ugly sides of humanity. You get the corrupt business guys, willing to recklessly endanger the populace for the sake of profits and constantly backstabbing each other in order to get on top. You get the manic street-level thugs who are savagely at war with the police department. You witness the danger of a police force that’s left unchecked, of political corruption, of the loss of humanity. The gangs who loot when the police aren’t there are not that different from the big business guys because they're also willing to do anything for a profit and never give a second thought to the collateral damages they're causing. Unlike the white collar guys, they aren't afraid of getting their hands dirty. You have to wonder which one of these is the most appalling: the one who shows you up front he's dirty and delights in the carnage that's being caused, or the one that pretends to be civilized but doesn’t acknowledge the consequences of his actions.

    An important theme in the film is the idea of "Man vs. Machine" and without delving too much into it, this brings us to the third villain: the emotionless, mindless law enforcing "ED-209", a hulking, bipedal and profoundly stupid enforcer. At once this character is a genuine physical threat for the titular protagonist, a source of comedy and a warning of what a mindless justice system devoid of all emotions could mean for humanity. Despite it completely lacking any personality (It's a robot, it doesn't think) this "beast" has a unique design, some great lines (more on that in a bit) and some subtle touches that make it unforgettable. Every time it lifts its guns and wants to intimidate you, it belches out tiger roars or other animal sounds and its very first scene is one of the most iconic in the film; an introduction so perfect you're guaranteed to imitate its mannerisms and quote it any chance you can.

    I think you’ll agree that an essential quality in a great film is a solid collection of iconic scenes and memorable, quotable dialogue. In "Robocop" nearly every scene has a moment or quote that will earn its place in your library of awesome movie lines."Dead or alive, you're coming with me!"; "I'd buy that for a dollar!"; "Your move, creep."; "I bet you think you're pretty smart... Think you can outsmart a bullet?!". Just one of these would be enough to immortalize "Robocop". All together? You can’t figure out which one is your favorite! We also get some great action sequences and some hilarious comedic moments. “Robocop” has layers. There are some fake commercials inserted within the film that works as great pieces of satire and also helps flesh out the world that these characters are living in. On a technical standpoint, the movie is expertly put together. The special effects and makeup are astounding. You can tell that everyone working on the film really put their heart into it and weren't afraid to show off their talent.

    Between the R-Rated and the X/unrated versions, there are some satisfying additions (like a scene where we get a taste of what kind of bond the police officers at the Detroit station have together) and more blood and violence, which helps the movie feel more like a comedy (it becomes really over-the-top often) This is the preferred version, even if there is at least one continuity error early on in during a car chase because of the extended footage (it's quick so you won't mind.)

    When it comes to action, science fiction, and even dark comedy, it doesn't get much better than "Robocop", which is so much more than what you would expect from the title. If you haven't seen it yet, get to it asap. If you've already seen it, get your friends together and take another look. After having some big laughs together you're guaranteed some really good in-jokes and intelligent discussions. It’s one of my all-time favorite films. (Extended Edition on Dvd, May 17th, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  1.5.2016 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
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