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    Underworld: Evolution


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    I’ve come to the horrifying realization that the “Underworld” franchise… might not be nearly as good as I remember it. At least this chapter in this series, “Underworld: Evolution” is more engaging than the previous one.

    Set immediately after the events of the first film, we follow Selene (Kate Beckinsale) and Michael (Scott Speedman) Now on the run from the last vampire elder, Markus (Tony Curran), the couple investigate the hidden past of the vampire & Lycan bloodline.

    In terms of depth, this is no real “Evolution” from the first, but I like this film better. There are less characters, we’re now fully immersed in the plot and I get the feeling that this is where the story wanted to go all along so there’s more of a definitive epicness to the adventure that Selene and Michael are now on. Markus, in a flying vampire form is a cool opponent (I like the unique manner in which he uses his wings as weapons) and Kate Beckinsale looks as sexy as ever. There’s more of a variety in the action scenes and with all of the politics related to the vampire elders out of the way, I feel as though this picture is truer to what it wanted to be, just an excuse for two sexy people to shoot, slice and tear their way through hideous horror icons. When they do, it’s kind of awesome. There’s a lot of gore here and when somebody dies, there’s no “well, maybe they’ll be back later” kind of thing. No one survives getting a spike through their head, getting their jaw ripped off or getting filled into dozens of pieces.

    Don’t get me wrong. The film’s not good. It’s just enjoyable, in a way that’s energetic and kind of dumb. Injuries that are fatal or at least felt by other characters don’t make Selene bat an eye, the whole “vampires and werewolves share a common ancestor” thing is still silly, the characters are no more than Mary Sues and the plot feels as though it was concocted by a bunch of overly ambitious high-schoolers who spent hours and hours fantasizing about what vampires and werewolves SHOULD be like. We’re supposed to feel a deep connection between Michael and Selene but you can’t shake the fact that they’ve only just met and I feel as though the film cheats its own mythology at least once or twice.

    If you’re a fan of the series, or even if you didn’t mind the first “Underworld”, I can give a mild recommendation to this follow-up. It’s a satisfying conclusion to the first story (or second story if you count the prequel; whatever) and I think it’s better than the first thanks to the abundance of cool monsters and the action sequences. For everyone else, don’t bother. You can see all of this done better in “Blade” and especially “Blade 2”. (On Blu-ray, January 9, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  13.1.2017 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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