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    "Waitress" may be sold as a fluffily, lighthearted comedy but it really isn't and that’s not a bad thing. The story actually fits more in the "quirky drama" category. Although there are some funny moments, mostly due to some of the slightly bizarre side characters, the story also contains heavy developments. Ultimately, the film's story deals with the main character Jenna (Keri Russell) pulling herself out of her dismal marriage to finally be happy.

    Married to the emotionally abusive and controlling Earl (Jeremy Sisto), Jenna works as a waitress at Joe's Pie Dinner, where she makes amazing desserts. She dreams of leaving her life and forging a new one for herself, entering in pie-making contests (there's one in a nearby town with a $25,000 prize) and perhaps opening a desert shop of her own. Besides her husband, Jenna has just found out that yet another obstacle stands in the way of her freedom: she's pregnant. Thing gets even more complicated when she starts having a secret affair with her pre-natal doctor Dr. Jim Pomatter (Nathan Fillion), who is also married. As Jenna starts getting ready for her baby, she becomes attached to her unexpected pregnancy and her courage starts to grow.

    The strongest element in the film is featured on the Dvd cover: no it's not Keri Russel as Jenna or Nathan Fillion as Dr. Pomatter, it's the pies. A large part of the film is dedicated to the idea that Jenna makes the most amazing pies anyone's ever tasted. During the movie, you'll see her create new recipes on the spot as a way to deal with her life and when these pies are put together, they're lovingly shot. Watching the movie your mouth will start to water and you'll be famished by the time the credits roll. That's not to say the performances aren't good or that the script isn't well written, it's just that this element stands out so much that it needs to be given the spotlight first.

    As mentioned earlier, the movie isn't really a comedy. There are genuinely funny moments in here, mostly from the quirky side-characters and those are always fun to see. Andy Griffith is terrific as Old Joe, a grumpy old man that isn't all that bad once you get to know him and Edward Jamison as Ogie, a desperate romantic that makes up poetry on the spot is sweet. You like Jenna, even though it gets quite frustrating at times to follow her story as her possessive and jealous husband constantly beats her down. Jeremy Sisto does a good job playing Earl even if at times the character is a ridiculous stereotype of an abusive husband. He successfully portrays a villain that you genuinely hate but whenever he's on the screen he also becomes incredibly annoying.

    From the setup, this film might also seem like it's a romantic story, or at least you might think so based on the Dvd cover, which shows Jenna embracing Dr. Pomatter. It isn't that either. There are some sweet elements of romance in the film, but those are mostly with the side characters. The closest thing to a romance with Jenna here is an affair with her doctor, a mess waiting to happen. No, “Waitress” is not a romantic comedy; it’s the story of a woman who finally starts growing a backbone. That's where the movie really satisfies because the character development and arcs are very well done. Although there is a major element of the film's conclusion that comes out of nowhere and is incredibly convenient to the plot, it's crowd pleasing and ends on a very sweet note.

    At times “Waitress” is very emotionally manipulative but if you're in the mood to see an underdog cope with life and finally get to deal with all the crap that's been dumped on her, this will hit the spot. There are some serious flaws in "Waitress" but under the right circumstances, it satisfies. Throw this one in your machine after going to the best bakery in the city and getting yourself a big slice of pie. (On Dvd, June 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  1.8.2016 age: 26-35 2,888 reviews

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