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    Assault on Precinct 13


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    There’s something about 1976’s “Assault on Precinct 13” that just works. It’s something intangible, maybe the overall grungy look of the film, the simple story, the shocking primal violence or the ingenious plot but it grabs you, drags you to the edge of your seat and never lets go. In a crime-filled ghetto in South Central LA, the “Street Thunder” gang swears bloody revenge against a father who dared to stand up against them. Seeking shelter he runs to Police Precinct 13, which is about to close down. Only a skeleton crew of Lieutenant Ethan Bishop (Austin Stoker), Captain Chaney (Henry Brandon) and two secretaries, Leigh (Laurie Zimmer) and Julie (Nancy Loomis) remain. A prison bus drops off three prisoners at the station because of a medical emergency just as the gang begins its attack on the building. The power lines are dead, the electricity is gone, there is no backup and the officers are forced to trust the convicts with their lives.

    Like I said, there’s something almost otherworldly about the film that gets you right away. This is a made-for-cheap movie and you can tell at times, but it’s very suspenseful so you don’t care. The way the zombie-like gang members relentlessly assault the building, the way they slowly pick off one hero after another and the way they manage to prevent the officers from escaping feels raw and real. There are no moments of fancy shooting or heroism, it’s just desperate people shooting at anything that moves near the windows of the building and praying that the tide will eventually stop. When a glimpse of hope you still don’t know if things are going to ease up, which made it even more intense for me. Is the movie going to give me a break from this tension, or is it going to be like real life, where more often than not it’s your own wits that are going to be the key to your survival?

    As the clock ticks down, the tension inside the station keeps getting higher and higher. Maybe if they can make it to the break of dawn, the gang will dissipate and return to whatever hellhole spawned them. Maybe. The raw immediacy of the violence and the shocking deaths throughout the film hit you like a slap in the face. This movie, in the way that it is cheap and animalistic reminds me of the original “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”. If those movies featured big special effects, a ton of gore and recognizable actors in a slick setting, it would be missing that palpable terror that you get from something as simple as the sound of a garbage can falling over in a dark alley as you’re walking home alone on a quiet night. The fact that “Assault on Precinct 13” is so simple in its premise makes it feel genuine and makes it relatable to anyone. I got a real kick out of just listening to the movie too. It’s all set to an incredible score by John Carpenter, who also directed, edited and wrote the film.

    When I first saw the movie, I didn’t really know what to think. It was just so unusual to see the abundant violence and while I found it very suspenseful, I wasn’t sure if I liked it. After discussing it with a friend and hearing the reasons why people liked it so much though I became hooked. The way the film introduces horror movie-like violence into what should be a dramatic crime thriller, it just catches you so off-guard that you can’t get it out of your head. And that score! Little details throughout too, like the way the Precinct is actually labeled “Precinct 14”, the same way that hotels label their 13th floor “14” to avoid bad luck and the fact that despite being so lean it still manages to throw in a couple of good laughs sold me. Like many of John Carpenter’s films, it’s a film you really need to watch twice to appreciate but trust me, it’s worth it. (On Dvd, May 29, 2014)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  7.2.2015 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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