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    Evil Dead


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    2013’s "Evil Dead" has its share of problems but it's still an effective horror film. You can't talk about a remake without talking about the original and here's where I think this movie succeeds where so many other reboots have failed: this interpretation of the story does not go for laughs and instead focuses on the horror elements, the drama between the characters and the gore/violence. If you're in love with the original, there are plenty of references and nods to the classic that you love. They’re not done in a manner that will alienate those unfamiliar with the 1981 picture. I enjoyed the change of tone from horror/comedy to straight horror. I think it’s the same kind of wise choice that was made by casting Adrien Brody in “Predators”. You keep it similar, but you also make significant efforts to distance the new from the old. I feel like director Fede Alvarez is actually trying something fresh instead of cashing on a beloved franchise.

    David (Shiloh Fernandez), his girlfriend Natalie (Elizabeth Blackmore), their friends Eric (Lou Taylor Pucci) and Olivia (Jessica Lucas) have a plan to help Mia (Jane Levy.) She’s addicted to heroin, and the only way to get that poison through her system is to separate her from it, bring her to a remote cabin in the woods and wait. When one of the young adults reads a passage from a mysterious book, they are all plunged into a world of horror.

    I really like the set up. These people don't just decide to hang out in an isolated, derelict old cabin at random. This set up gives us a credible reason for why everyone would stay in the cabin (we're told that Mia has re-lapsed before and that her life is in serious jeopardy if she doesn't quit.) It also gives plausible reasons for why, when things start going crazy in front of Mia, the other characters don’t feel stupid for ignoring her. This updated story also does make some improvements on the inclusion of some of the more disturbing material, such as the scene where one of our protagonists is “attacked” by a tree/plants (something I always felt was out of place in the original.) I like this consistent tone of horror as the gruesome images build upon one another. The performances are also quite good.

    An element that is undeniable and brings the movie down is the typical stupid behaviour that many of the characters display. It’s better than in most horror movies, but there are nonetheless moments where at least one character does something they have no business doing, be it solving a demonic puzzle box, letting their guard down on the one night where bad things are likely to happen, splitting up from the rest of the group, running up the stairs when they should be going for the front door etc. Some of those decisions can be excused because otherwise there would not be a movie. It's understandable that one character has to be curious and foolish enough to read passages from the evil book, but there are multiple instances throughout where characters make very stupid decisions you just know are going to get them killed. When one character makes a bad decision, it's a necessity of the plot. When two people do, you can excuse the fact that when faced with otherworldly terror. Most human’s brains wouldn’t exactly working at full capacity when faced with the undead. When EVERYONE makes at least one stupid decision, it becomes annoying.

    The movie manages to overcome its flaws by delivering on the tension and horror elements. There’s great use of foreshadowing and the reveal is slow, using glimpses of the room in which the event is happening, strange sounds and good camera work to build up the tension before showing what exactly happened. This brings me to another element that’s particularly well done: the gore. The violence here is horrific. It will have you cringing and genuinely scared as these characters go through hell trying to survive. I love the use of practical effects throughout (you can tell) There is CGI here and there, but it’s only used when absolutely necessary. It compliments nicely the other stuff that works.

    "Evil Dead" has a lot of good things going for it. There are rough patches too but the goal of the film is to be frightening and it genuinely is. For fans of the original there are some bits in here just for you (stay all the way to the end of the credits for a special treat) and if you're not already a fan of the franchise, I think it stands on its own. The 2013 version of "Evil Dead" has the gore, the scares, the special effects and the innovation needed to make you forget its flaws. There is some truly disturbing material in here that will stick with you long after the movie is over. (Theatrical version on the big screen, May 8, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  26.4.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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