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    Remember the Titans


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    "Remember the Titans" is formulaic. Isn't that the case with every football film based on a true story? You can predict where everyone will end up. Does it matter when the results are this crowd-pleasing?

    In 1971, coach Herman Boone (Denzel Washington) is assigned to put together a football team for the integrated T. C. Williams High School. The locals are not pleased to see Boone’s predecessor, Bill Yoast (Will Patton) booted down to the post of assistant coach and if that wasn't enough drama, the players seem determined to stay divided among racial lines until he breaks through to them.

    I get the appeal of seeing a live game of football but for me, a film about the sport is far more engaging. The camera ensures you never miss the bone-crunching tackle or that amazing play that turns the tide when there's only a second to spare. You don't learn about the players from interviews or newspaper clippings. You get to be there the whole way. “I know that already! That applies to every great sports movie! ” you say. And you’re right. What’s this movie got going that other sports movies don’t?

    "Remember the Titans" is filled with underdogs; more than other films of its genre. A new coach automatically falls under extra stringent scrutiny. So does a new team. Boone isn't just a new coach, however. He's a black coach in a predominantly white field. As is his interracial team. Even among themselves, there's tension.

    There are many effective human moments as the topic of racism is addressed. We see these young men deal with their prejudices and break barriers are they learn to function as a unit. It isn’t about one side being right and the other being wrong, it’s about a bunch of talented young men who have to learn to work together to unleash their full potential. Seeing the friendships that develop, those that dissolve due to irreconcilable differences, and seeing someone suddenly realize what they believed for years is wrong? That’s movie magic. Whether the ball is being thrown or not, you're completely engaged. Everyone will find someone to relate to and cheer for.

    My one criticism is one that’s almost inherent to even the best sports films. Ultimately, you can predict what's going to happen to the players and coaches because what we're seeing is essentially a highlight of a football season within a three-act plot. There's something to be said about needing to adhere to formulas to satisfy the audience. Nevertheless, you can't say it wouldn't have been refreshing to see this reinvent the wheel or break some new ground. I'll also point to the character of Sheryl (Hayden Panettiere) as an element that could've been improved. The performance is good but the character is overwritten.

    "Remember the Titans" is probably loaded with inaccuracies and exaggerations. That goes without saying and ultimately, doesn't matter. The performances are good. Its message is easy to subscribe to, legitimate, and earnest. The game scenes are well shot and the drama is compelling. Is it a little manipulative at times? Maybe, but this just makes it all the more thrilling and inspirational. As far as football movies go, it's among the best. (On DVD, July 5, 2015)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  5.1.2015 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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