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    "Up" is a wonderful animated film. It's filled with so much charm and imagination that I can’t imagine anyone not falling in love with it at least a little bit. The voice casting is great, the animation beautiful, the characters are a joy to follow, it's a funny and exciting experience. I also admire that the film isn’t afraid to delve in the realms of sadness too. It makes the moments of joy that much more potent.

    Facing eviction from his home, elderly Carl Fredricksen (voiced by Ed Asner) decides to run away to Paradise Falls, South America. Not wanting to leave the home where he and his late wife lived happily for many years, Carl ties thousands of balloons to the house, rips it right out of the ground and travels via air. That’s when he discovers that a young Wilderness Explorer Scout named Russell (voiced by Jordan Nagal) has accidentally stowed away on the building’s porch.

    The movie starts very strong, with a touching love story that's done almost entirely without dialogue and is not only a brilliant way to introduce and flesh out Carl but is also a gutsy move by the filmmakers. I hold a special appreciation for up because too many films aimed at children go for simple storylines that don't have any subtlety and go for the cheap laughs. From the get-go, you know this is going to be something special. There are a lot of subtle touches in the first fifteen minutes of the movie alone that might throw off little children but it will delight their parents. It's not that the movie isn't meant for kids, it's just that the director recognizes that it's better to have a few moments that will require children to really think and examine what just happened than to sugar-coat things and make a lesser movie. I foresee this film as being one that you will like for certain reasons as a kid, and completely different reasons as an adult. The picture might stay the same over the years, but it has room within it for you to grow.

    Once the plot of "Up" really gets going, it's very exciting. The visuals appropriately convey the wonder and adventure that you would get out of tying thousands of balloons to your house and tearing it right off the ground to go on an adventure when the mismatched duo land at Paradise Falls. There are a few moments that are genuinely tense, which balance out the humour that is introduced when our two protagonists are forced to spend time with each other. As the movie goes on, more characters are introduced and they all feel unique and memorable. Just when you think the filmmakers have used up all of their ideas they keep pulling new tricks out of their hat. You can tell that this was a film that was continuously revised and improved upon until the team knew they had a masterpiece on their hands.

    It's an expertly made film that just happens to be family friendly and just happens to be animated. “Up” is simply a great film. No detail has been overlooked, no emotional moments ring false, no point during the running time will leave you disappointed. There isn't a thing that doesn't work in "Up". (2-D version on Blu-ray, March 16, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  14.2.2016 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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