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    Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning


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    “Friday the 13th part V: A New Beginning” is just a string of teenagers getting murdered; there’s barely a plot to speak of. If you’re coming in late, here’s what you need to know: Jason Voorhees was a mentally handicapped boy who was believed to have drowned while at summer camp Crystal Lake. His mother murdered the teens she deemed responsible for his apparent death until she was taken down herself. Turns out Jason survived and upon reaching adulthood, he ermeged from his hermit life in the woods, decided to don a hockey mask and kill any human being he met. Eventually, he was killed himself by a young boy named Tommy. Tommy used his talent for prosthetics and special effects to shock Jason into submission (he dressed himself up as a younger version of the killer) before finally putting the monster’s reign of terror to an end. With “A New Beginning” it’s been six years since Jason’s death but Tommy (John Shepherd) is still haunted by nightmares. Bodies start piling up; the work of another serial killer whose mannerisms are suspiciously similar to Jason’s. Could it be Jason, risen from the grave? Could it be Tommy, finally becoming unhinged after all these years of having nightmares? Someone else perhaps? You’ll have to tread through rivers of blood and dismembered bodies to find out!

    Whenever someone is referring to the “slasher” genre in a negative way, they’re probably thinking about this movie. There is barely any characterization for the soon-to-be victims. I would say that most of them get fewer than five lines before they meet their death. There’s simply no attachment to them. You watch this movie simply to see people get cut up with various weapons or garden tools, not to feel tense or genuinely frightened. There are so many people getting butchered and death sequences than you can’t go five minutes without seeing a dead body (I counted 24 deaths either real, or in dream sequences and the movie is 92 minutes long so that’s a pretty good estimate)

    This is also one of those movies where the killer is not only psychic, but he’s able to teleport. He knows where to place a dead body to create a shock for the teens (and the audience) just before killing the guy or girl that discovers the body. He knows which door to break down to make a dramatic entrance and whenever he’s out of sight, he hops through a portal in order to get to the heroes’ destination before they do, guaranteeing some would-be scares. The violence is gratuitous (and I’m told it was severely cut down for the theatrical release) and there’s a lot of nudity too. About halfway through the movie you’ll come to the realization that everyone you meet is going to be killed so you’re just passing time, waiting for the mystery to be unveiled. The attempted scares here are so bad, some of them don’t even make sense. There’s a scene where a waitress is alone inside the restaurant when all of a sudden a cat jumps at her. First of all, in my experience cat’s don’t often jump and scream at people unless you step on their tail, secondly, what was that cat doing in the diner in the first place?

    Is there anything good about this movie? Well, yes... but really only if you’re a fan of the series. The special effects are pretty good, there’s a high body count and plenty of nudity, so in terms of a “Friday the 13th”, it’s pretty good. There are a couple other elements that are fun too. I think the premise is pretty ingenious. Our main character is one that’s been traumatized (as the audience should theoretically be) from “Part 4”. He is surrounded by other possibly mentally deranged teens, there’s a lot of suspects and if he mentions something about a killer being on the loose, it’s unlikely that anyone will believe him. I also found quite a few moments to be genuinely shocking. It’s hard to explain but the first scene in particular plays out in a way that’s so sudden I actually think it’s kind of brilliant in terms of a “Jason Voorhees” movie.

    Most will dismiss this horror movie as trash and they’re not really that far off. It’s a bad movie with a thin plot, questionable performances and so many dead teenagers that you will become numb to the violence. If you are a fan of the series, I think your reaction will be mixed, but I enjoy this one. As a bad horror movie, it’s got its charms. There are some pieces of fresh fruit among all of the rotten tomatoes in “Friday the 13th part V: A new Beginning”. (On Dvd, December 13, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  14.5.2016 age: 26-35 2,887 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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