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    Kung Fu Panda 3


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    With “Kung Fu Panda 3” we now have a great trilogy of animated panda martial arts comedy/action films. Not only does it manage to be yet another true sequel instead of just a rehash of the two previous pictures, but it ups the ante, rewards you for having sat through the previous stories and manages to bring in some new elements as well.

    If you remember the end of “Kung Fu Panda 2” we found out that Po’s father Li Shan (voiced by Bryan Cranston) is alive. Arriving to meet his son (voiced by Jack Black) he discovers that their family reunion is about to get cut short. Remember Grand Master Oogway (voiced by Randall Duk Kim) from the first film? His old enemy, an ox named Kai (voiced by J. K. Simmons), has escaped from the spirit world and seeks to destroy his rival’s legacy. That includes Po, Masters Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Viper (Lucy Liu), Monkey (Jackie Chan), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Crane (David Cross) and Shifu (Dustin Hoffman)

    What I liked so much about the second film is that not only did we get a lot of character development when Po learned about where he came from, but it mixed things up. I figured there was no way you could top the physical threat that Tai Lung (from #1) posed so we got an opponent that used weapons and technology instead of just his fists. There was a need to mix things up, to think outside the box to give us a meaty conflict. They’ve done it again. Not only is Kai a completely different villain from the previous two, he is just as much of a threat without undermining the previous characters’ accomplishments. This ox, with his twin jade swords on chains (Reminds me of Kratos from the “God of War” Games) and his spirit powers is a totally new opponent. He’s awesome and fresh.

    This adversary guarantees an epic struggle for Po and his friends, but a movie needs more than that. It needs personal conflict as well. The decision made to expand on his role as the dragon warrior is terrific. Not only is it a logical step in the characters’ life, it brings all kinds of new story elements. This is what we want to see when we step into a sequel. The characters have grown throughout the years. You can tell that the people behind the scenes have sat down and really thought about what would happen next.

    This is a plot with a lot going on, but it’s handled in a way that doesn’t feel overwhelming. At the base, you have this huge incoming battle between Kai, Po and the Furious Five. In the middle you have sub plot of Po having the next step in his life. At the very top, we’re treated to an even smaller, more personal and emotional story that centers on Po’s two fathers. I found it so touching and elegantly executed. “Kung Fu Panda 3” didn’t need to explore these side characters’ emotions, even less so because they do not really participate in the action, but it does. That’s the mark of something special. It’s not just tacked on either. Everything is intricately woven together in a way that makes it all tie in nicely at the end.

    I really love this movie. The action is varied, inventive and takes full advantage of the animated medium. The characters are well developed and fun. I found the score to be just right, a nice mix of traditional Chinese music with a little twist to give characters that little extra oomph when they walk into frame. There are two elements I liked above all though. The first is the visual style of the film. In terms of visuals, “Kung Fu Panda 3” is the best of the trio. So much is done with the color palette, split screens, the 3D, Kai’s special spirit powers, and scenes in which characters, objects and backgrounds are simplified or modified to give extra emphasis on the span of time or the intensity of the action. This was a treat to see in on a big screen and in 3D. The very best thing about the picture though, is the way it wraps everything up. Like all great third pictures in a trilogy, it goes back and expands on elements we saw before. It takes things that were just hinted at and gives you a conclusion to them, even some of the jokes. It’s so well executed that you’d swear they had planned it from the start. I can’t imagine fans of the first two not loving this one.

    The only criticism I have, and it’s something that kids won’t notice and that you might disagree with, but that bothered me the slightest bit because I’m an adult is the humour. It’s not bad. In fact most of the time it’s very funny. I don’t feel like it’s on the same level as the first “Kung Fu Panda” though. Compared to any other run-of-the-mill animated picture it’s flawless, but I put these films on a higher pedestal. They’re that good.

    “Kung Fu Panda 3” is an elegant conclusion to the story of Po. It’s so smart, fun and satisfying. My advice is first to refresh your memory of the first two. They’re easy to find on DVD or Blu-ray. After you’ve done that, take your kids to the theatre. They’ll have a blast and you will too. If you don’t have children, go see the movie by yourself. If you’re embarrassed to do that, pretend to have sudden interest in your nephews and nieces for the day. With “Kung Fu Panda 3”, this series is confirmed as not just a formula to make money for a greedy studio. The three films are a complete experience. (3D Theatrical version on the big screen, March 3, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  6.3.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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