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    Mirror Mirror


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    Although the comedy in "Mirror Mirror" often falls flat, there's more than enough that works here for it to be worth your while.

    After leaving her castle home, young Princess Snow White (Lily Collins) realizes that her step mother’s greed has devastated the country. Allying herself with a band of thieving dwarves, she is determined to overthrow the queen, a powerful sorceress named Clementianna (Julia Roberts) who is determined not only to eliminate Snow White but to marry the handsome prince who loves her (Armie Hammer.)

    Some parts of “Mirror Mirror” are surprisingly funny, like a sword duel between Snow White and Prince Alcott where the two trade blows as well as witty banter. But for every moment where the actor's charisma manage to elevate the material, you also get throwaway lines that seem added in just because the writers thought the scene needed a joke. A couple of lines about the evil queen's past marriages that just come out of nowhere and her makeover scene is more gross than funny. You're in luck, as the parts that work more than manage to save the whole movie. Lily Colins is perfect as Snow White. She's sweet and charming, has a lot of chemistry with the other characters and convincingly plays an innocent princess, an adventurous young woman and a lady in love. She's gorgeous and convincingly plays the role of a beautiful princess who instantly captures the hearts of everyone who meets her as well, but it's more than just that. There's something about her face and her demeanor that perfectly embodies the fairytale princess. With the exception of Julia Roberts, who’s ok but not great, the rest of the cast also do well with their roles. The dwarves don't get a lot of screen time but whenever we see them you get a good sense of their camaraderie and they also have some great moments with the Prince.

    The costumes and visuals stand out. Director Tarsem Singh is known for his visual style and while this movie doesn't do as much with the imagery as he did in his last film (“Immortals”) there are moments throughout, including a lavish ballroom dance that features extraordinary costumes. If you like films where every article of clothing was given special attention and carefully put together this one is certainly something to see. There's excellent use of different materials, creative designs and color in every character's wardrobe. Ok scenes are bolstered by the sheer entertainment you'll get from observing all the little details put into the sets, gadgets and wardrobes.

    There are some liberties taken with the familiar fairy tale that mixes up the story a bit to keep it fresh but enough of it stays true to the source material. Unlike a lot of modern films that try to give a dark twist or an action perspective and then crowbar the familiar fairy tale elements in the story, the treatment “Snow White” gets in "Mirror Mirror" feels very organic. The light tone allows for some self-referential jokes that make fun of the story but it never feels like it's being cynical. It's not fantastic, but it's got a strong cast, excellent visuals and a nice, light and charming tone to it."Mirror, Mirror" brings enough to the table to satisfy an audience that's ready to be entertained. (On DVD, June 9, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  8.5.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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