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    Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines


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    It might not be as good as the previous instalments, but "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" is solid entertainment. In fact, I think it routinely gets underappreciated. After the events of the first and second films, Skynet has sent back in time a new Terminator, the T-X (this time played by sexy lady Kristanna Loken) to eliminate as many of John Connor’s key resistance fighters as possible in order to tip the war in its favor. Not to leave his future allies undefended, 2029 John Connor sends his own Terminator back in time, a T-850 model 101 (once again played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) When the T-X discovers present-day John Connor (Nick Stahl) and Kate Brewster (Claire Danes), John’s future wife, the outcome of the war is put into even greater jeopardy.

    I hear a lot of people dogging on this film, but if you ask me there are a lot of good things about it. Yes it’s not the masterpiece that the first or second films are but if you ask me, that makes it kind of like the original “Star Wars” trilogy in that the third chapter is good and has some really great, memorable and enjoyable moments but many just focus on the negative too much. Yeah John Connor isn’t nearly as cool as he should be here and there are some plot points that are a little nutty, but look at the positive aspects and you can’t tell me this film is terrible. Arnold Schwarzenegger reprises his role as the iconic cyborg and in the part he has never been better. When it comes to both the deadpan comedy and the explosive action he delivers a lot of fun and memorable moments. There numerous instances where the interactions between him and the human characters are laugh-out-loud funny, probably funnier than any other in the two other films. If I had to pick my favorites, the first would be an exchange in which Kate gets really frustrated at her new metal guardian."Drop dead, you a**hole!" to which the T-101 responds "I am unable to comply". My other pick has to be a line in which it describes Kate as a viable wife because she’s a "healthy female of breeding age". Whenever a date asks me why I am so interested in her, that’s my first line and they might not find it funny, but I think it’s hilarious.

    The tradition of featuring exciting car chases and captivating battles continues, with one pursuit featuring a mobile crane and no less than 5 other vehicles that really ramps up the action and the destruction. That scene alone makes the film worth seeing in my opinion, though I once again really like the moments where the human characters are interacting with the Terminator are very appealing too. Also enjoyable are some interesting additions to the mythology with the T-X, sort of a blend between previous models of killer robots, some revelations about Skynet and a follow up on several of the characters from the previous films, including a delightful cameo by Earl Boen. We also get more glimpses of the future and more insight on time travel, which is always a plus. We get a deeper exploration of what all of these trips into the past mean and it all leads up to a terrific ending that feels totally a home with the other two films.

    “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” is not as smart as the other films before it, but it sure keeps the excitement going and for sheer entertainment value, it's solid. If you're a fan of the "Terminator" series or just of action films you won't be blown away but you'll be happy you saw it and you'll be thoroughly entertained. If it weren't for the fact that it was following up two great films no one would be complaining about the quality of this one and I find myself looking forward to seeing it after I finish the first two. (On DVD, February 6, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  15.7.2015 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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