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    One reviewer pointed out strongly that this is NOT a comedy as many thought, thus the dislike of the picture. What can one make of such a statement with the title CALVARY... have no clue who could possibly take it as some hilarious riot? What it is, is VERY BLACK, DARK COMEDY, a film that desperately wants to move us on several emotional levels succeeding for the most part, but letting us down somewhat. Being Catholic, knowing what I know, there is much to discuss about this little Irish community, a decrepit, almost totally bankrupt world full of problems and woes. And what sits at the centre of this pathetic world, the CHURCH itself quite imploding with its numerous scandals which I do not mean to discuss at length. And who is the central, the key figure in this world within a world... a Father James, a real man in every sense of the word, one who has suffered, one who has flaws BUT A MAN WHO HAS GREAT VIRTUE AS WELL: integrity, morality and certainly great compassion for his flock like Christ himself had! Is it at all possible that this solitary priest is the sole believer in a world of suffering, angry souls? In Father James I see the fight of believers from boyhood to an adult of 40, believers in a world that has gone mad, beyond any belief whatever. Brendan Gleeson gives what I know is his best performance. I loved him so very much in 'The Grand Seduction' also from 2014. He has this quiet, almost weary yet unbending faith that all good Ministers of Christ possess. One sees this on the actor's expressive face as he delivers his great performance. This is a tough film that examines religious faith almost as an existential drama while painting the backdrop as a very, very dark wall of humour. Bring to mind some of the townsfolk and incidents and you should understand my statement. The film does not shy away from real priestly horrors, blatantly labeling them, yet all the while stating rigidly that the institution of priesthood is as necessary as the air we breathe. Calvary does more, however. It shows in extraordinary ways what authentic pastoral duties are and the heart of a priest who is trying to follow his calling in Christ. Thus Calvary, the place of Crucifixion of the word made flesh = Father James's realization of what sacrifice he might be expected to make for the transgressions of others. The concept of forgiveness is so central to this film as were the sufferings of Christ who died for the forgiveness of all our sins. Director McDonagh has to be lauded for depicting blatantly serious issues in the Church and perhaps in Ireland as well, the problem being that it's of such gargantuan proportions that he's unable to articulate it completely, trying his best to satisfy the discerning eye as best he can. It's a daunting task he's set up for himself. And then there's the matter of the conclusion. Nothing can be said of it here. It's always simple to pick away at a film finding fault with any number of issues. I won't do that with CALVARY as there is too much which is good. The writing is sharp as we observe in the main characters but also in the entire host of secondary performers. Then the scope of the cinematography is a marvel to behold by land and sea. The director deserves high praise for making this film, one which can be discussed endlessly. I would love the opportunity of going fifteen rounds on what concerns faith, morals and dogma... and that includes the Church and priesthood as well.

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    pietroantoni@  11.12.2014 age: 36-49 14,614 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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