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    This movie was somewhat moving and Tommy and Daniel Day are great actors, but the movie was very hard to sit through because of the endless dialog and basically centers around a court battle with very little sideshows. The story of slave abolishment, powerful and significant but the movie was just long. On a side note I wish the black people would appreciate the many thousands of lives lost and what these white people did and sacrificed to gain their freedom as opposed to hating the whites for the horrible cruelty.

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    ben.r@  20.11.2012 age: 50+ 179 reviews

    Could you perhaps clarify the latter part of your comment with regards to the black people appreciating what the white people did. I must admit, I'm at a bit of a loss. Do you mean contextually? Or do you mean black people, generally.

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    luclafortune@  21.11.2012 age: 50+ 14 reviews

    What an uninformed review. It's difficult to make any sense of the generalisations that you make. The 13th amendment addressed abolition of slavery - not slave abolishment!! People of all races and ages died in this civil war, which was about many things. [...]

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    jackovipe@  23.11.2012 age: 50+ 37 reviews

    [...] Even Hollywood is affected by racism. The 2002 Academy Awards were arguably the ‘blackest’ Oscar ceremony in Hollywood history. Whoopi Goldberg hosted, Sidney Poitier received a lifetime achievement award, Denzel Washington became the first black performer to win best actor since Poitier, and Halle Berry became the first African-American woman to win best actress for her role in Monster’s Ball. Only 33 black actors had been nominated since the Academy Awards began in 1929. In the decade since Berry and Washington’s barrier-breaking evening, 19 African-Americans have received major acting nominations and six have won. I don't think you can speak for "black people" as a whole in terms of their "hating whites"... it would be better to think of the civil war as lives needing to be sacrificed in order to bring justice to the land. A justice that ultimately served as many caucasians as afro-americans.

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    ablack90@  27.11.2012 age: 50+ 57 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
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    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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