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    Ride Along 2


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    “Ride Along 2” is an empty film. Anything you could theoretically like about it is ripped right out of the first one. Some might be tempted to say then, that if you liked “Ride Along” you would enjoy the follow-up. I suppose it’s true, because they’re the same movie. The plot might not be the EXACT same, but the characters have not evolved, the jokes are the repeated and the story is once again secondary, not to mention unoriginal.

    Ben Barber (Kevin Hart) is about to get married to Angela Payton (Tika Sumpter) Her brother, an undercover police officer named James (Ice Cube) isn’t pleased. Determined to prove his worth as a candidate for police detective, Ben accompanies James on an investigation to find out who is behind a string of big crimes whose roots are in Miami. They will need the help of a hacker named A. J. (Ken Jeong) to get to the bottom of things in this unfamiliar territory.

    What is it about comedies that they’re so often written as lazily as “Ride Along 2”? This is yet another film where the humour depends entirely on people being idiots. Ben has to be the worst police officer of all time. The very idea that he could have gotten as far as he has in this film is completely unbelievable. At no point does he do anything right, unless his magical video game related skills and knowledge come up. But of course, he’s made it to through the police Academy unscathed and unchanged. Otherwise, you couldn’t repeat the formula you had in the first film. James is equally one-note. Get ready to see Ice Cube mean-mugging the whole time he’s on screen, rolling his eyes at his future brother-in law and once in a while throwing some insults in the man’s direction. Again. These guys have been through an experience that would have brought anyone else closer together, Ben has proven himself to James and still, Ben isn’t respected because he’s gained no street sense or respect. Nothing has changed.

    In an attempt to mix things up a bit, we’re given another annoying sidekick to get on James’ nerves, Ken Jeong as A. J. There’s nothing to this guy. He comes in, Ken Jeong does his typical shtick, the audience is expected to laugh and that’s it. The guy doesn’t act like a real human being does, he irritates James the same way that Ben does but it’s supposed to be different because he’s Asian instead of Black and now there’s 2 small annoying fast-talking comedians in the film!

    If only “Ride Along 2” was much worse than it is, then I feel like I’d have something really juicy to talk about. “Ride Along 2” is just a paper-thin story that was only made because the first film was successful. Kevin Hart and Ice Cube probably didn’t want to be in this sequel so producers threw them a bone and set the story in Miami. A paid vacation where they’d just have to do their usual comedy thing for a few hours and then afterwards be free to hang out with the avalanche of bikini babes seen in the backgrounds? Who would say no? I realize that making movies is hard, but no one is stretching their talents in any way. “Ride Along 2” was a boring, 9-to-5 job for everyone. They just dragged themselves out of bed and figured if they went through the motions, they’d get paid, dummies would see the sequel in the theatre and they’d have something nice to put on their resume. Not nice in the sense that there’s any quality here. I mean to say that this movie is going to be a hit despite the thick fog of apathy that permeates throughout. Nobody even cared enough to improve on the joke of having Kevin Hart appear in a popular video game (or what would have been a popular video game if Rockstar had given “Ride Along 2” a license to use “Grand Theft Auto) by making the graphics look good, or the gags inspired.

    If the people making the movie don’t care, then you shouldn’t care. Anything you could like about “Ride Along 2”, you’ve already seen. It’s the kind of dreck you would watch and accidentally see again months later once it’s available on cable. It’s so unmemorable I’ve already forgotten about it. “Ride Along 2” is lazy. It isn’t and shouldn’t win anyone involved any fans. Don’t see “Ride Along 2”, it’s a waste of your time. (Theatrical version on the big screen, February 9, 2016)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  20.2.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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