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    Six Dance Lessons in Six Weeks


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    This movie based on the often produced play of the same name with big name stars ( like Uta Hagen, Rue McClenahan (Golden Girls) Polly Bergen amongst others, ) has here gathered a legend, MISS GENA ROWLANDS, 84 as the lead plus an array of other formidable stars like Rita Moreno, Jacki Weaver, Anthony Zerbe and the gay dancer in the film, played by real life gay dude Cheyenne Jackson who I can tolerate as much as drinking a quart of Castor Oil. This dude's already been married once to a man, ( I have no problem with this whatever); he's already been divorced before gay marriage is even completely legal in the wicked U. S. of A. And he's on his second go-round! Go to it, Cheyenne! Go to it! In any case 84 year old Gena ( who's supposed to be 75 in the film ) and pretty boy are flat out enemies until pretty boy starts his sob story AND GUESS WHAT EVENTUALLY HAPPENS! THIS IS BASICALLY WHEN THE FILM TAKES OFF! I saw the film in New York at a special screening but it's doubtful it will be released theatrically, probably going directly to DVD. The film, first of all is too stage bound, so to speak. It almost doesn't move like a film at all! If it weren't for the DANCING, I doubt there would be any movement at all. The group of characters are very likable as actors, but in the film they are nothing but cardboard figures with the exception of Gena, who can make anything work, whom I have always adored. Too bad she came back to the screen in this stinker. It's a very old plot that probably turned some heads when first done, God knows when. Almost every one who did it on stage has now passed on. So it's an old tired piece. I have no idea why they would make this into a film in 2014. It's ridiculous! We've gone way past this charade of a plot. I think it's basically an insult to straight, rich, white widows and their retinue, but more to gay people who have to listen to Cheyenne moaning and groaning about this and that like some gay twink when he's at least 40 if not a bit more as of 2014. Like who wants to hear it all! I'm sure the film will be condemned by LGBT groups. The script is so bad, so clichéed! I would ask: couldn't a more decent updated version be done? Then I learn that it WAS updated for 2014. Well that really threw me for a loop because it made it all sound even worse. I genuinely feel bad for 2 time Oscar nominee Gena Rowlands who was a very great star along with her long deceased husband, the great John Cassavetes. For her alone I would like to give the film a decent rating, but I can't. There are just too many things wrong with this movie. The film, I repeat should never have been made! Frankly, I don't think many will see SIX at all, even when released on DVD!

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    pietroantoni@  12.12.2014 age: 36-49 14,637 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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