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    The Big Chill


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    When I was younger there was a television program called 30 Something which obviously explored any number of dilemmas in that demographic age group before the big 40. Well THE BIG CHILL did that way back in the day. It's a pleasure that the DIRECTOR (Lawrence Kasdan) approved version of THE BIG CHILL has been finally released in 2014 with an added disc for all the special features. I was riveted to these fabulous supplements! This was a huge film in its day, a cult film, a film that personified the 1980's like no other film. It's one of those rare films that hits the jackpot BIG TIME! In any case, this movie which does a balancing act with drama and comedy works best in my mind as a drama (I tend to see the structure as dramatic) though you will get snickers here and there. What about a new genre of film... A DRAMATIC COMEDY!!! ( HILARIOUS, I would think.) Though CHILL has so much going for it. It's the simplest of plots. Quite the group gathers to pay respects to a fellow friend who has committed suicide. THIS IN NO WAY GIVES ANYTHING OF THE PLOT AWAY AS IT IS THE VERY FIRST FRAME OF FILM. The Big Chill becomes like a group therapy session in my mind with reminiscences of every kind while contemplating and focusing on what the future holds in store for this motley crew. It could easily be the greatest ensemble piece of the 80's with Glenn Close (Oscar Nominated) Tom Berenger, Jeff Goldblum, William Hurt, Kevin Kline, Mary Kay Place, MEG TILLY, whom I adore, and JoBeth Williams who is now the President of SAG! You will not believe who plays the corpse. You see nothing of him but his shoes as he's stretched out! BELIEVE IT OR NOT IT'S KEVIN KOSTNER who almost made it as a cast member of the film. What sets the film in an upper echelon is that no one was ever able to bring such an amazing powerhouse cast under one roof; the soundtrack with its hits of the 60's, the great sound of R&B and more is now taken for granted as every film today does some sort of compilation. It was new when Director Kasdan decided on what he wanted as his film's soundtrack. It was pure genius. And one can't forget the KASDAN screenplay which is solid gold from the moment the film begins. It's amazing how each and every actor delivers a flawless performance. Of course, Director Kasdan had something to do with this mighty feat, but one shouldn't forget that these were young but already very vibrant actors whose work as a group clicked well beyond belief as to still astound Hollywood historians. I highly recommend the film BUT PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT THIS IS A CONVERSATION PIECE; THERE IS NO ACTION PER SE. I can envision hordes of people avoiding this film as everyone is so action oriented, no one paying attention to the human condition, actually unable to sit through a movie that discusses serious issues, issues that should affect everyone of us. It's a sad state of affairs as contemporary society blocks out almost anything of importance, when humanity itself is being tossed aside like so much garbage. Let's get back to BASICS, please!

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    pietroantoni@  19.12.2014 age: 36-49 14,614 reviews

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    10 - A masterpiece, go, see it now
    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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