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    The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

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    anitainottawa@ wrote:


    This was a drawn out money-grab. How is it that, while it takes 3 movies to cover the 3 LOTR books, it also takes 3 movies to cover one little Hobbit book? The story was unbelievably padded with junk that wasn't in the book, unnecessary and boring. And why, oh why, does every movie maker think it's necessary to add a love story into every movie? It just doesn't make sense for an elf to fall for a human, and more importantly, it's not in the book at all. I will not be seeing the next 2 installments. (I enjoyed the LOTR series, and I own it on DVD. I have read all 4 books multiple times, so it's not the material, just a bad movie adaptation.)

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