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    The Lobster


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    This is a film that is either going to illicit extremes in terms of liking it or not. In a dystopian society of near future singles, city ordinance dictates an absurd and rather disturbing plan for those without marital or relationship status. From an apparent simple idea, there is so much to discuss in this award winning film ( Jury Prize at the Cannes 2015 Film Festival) I've pondered the entire experience of 'The Lobster' quite deliberately since seeing the film. First off this first time feature in English by Greek director Lathimos makes one think hard more than it makes one feel. This rather well written film is neither sci-fi or fantasy but rather an allegory for human relationships vs. Society, the entire bizarre nature of social pressures and modern relationships. The film is a smart and innovative reminder of a world we are largely helping to create. The flick will not work for everyone and I must stress I had my hesitations more than a few times. I viewed it as a weird and wacky dark 'screwball' comedy written in a surreal deadpan manner which unfortunately lulls into a dullness at the half way point. Some boring and incoherent points don't help salvage the film completely, but ultimately Colin Farrell and the entire excellent cast are more than able to deliver what many will consider a disturbing tale.

    It might be difficult to relate to the main character (Farrell) as he is not the most lovable person around. He's rather weak and all too human. To my mind, Colin Farrell really hits the mark in creating a full-fleshed character. Arguably, it is his best role ever. His comedic timing is matched by the greatness of the rest of the cast. (Farrell's physical appearance with the added weight gives off an aura of a very ordinary dude, all working in favour of the character) Kudos to the casting director as to the director himself.

    This film that defies conventional definition has its drawbacks and merits as I've already hinted. The writing is good, but the script does not explain certain matters which seem rather crucial. It is necessary to always think as one views the film, often being forced to guess as well. The soundtrack chosen for the film is pretty horrific and easily grates on the nerves. On the plus side, the direction, the cinematography and the editing of 'The Lobster' help create a stylish, almost dreamlike world though in a disembodied kind of way.

    One must sharpen one's sensibilities to keep up with the director's vision. The film's devastating satire mirrors so much nonsense of our own world's fixation on finding a half acceptable mate. How pointed and sad this all speaks to us in a society void of true intimacy. It's almost ironic that in this bleak tale, director Lathimos is very daring with his filmmaking which can be visually stunning.

    Though 'The Lobster' is competent on several levels, I don't think I can call it a true favourite film experience. It made me recall that dreadful 'Dogtooth' from Chile a few years back. I will repeat that the film can be engaging, but there's no doubt one is attracted to the weird title, the absurd premise as well as an interesting, definitive cast. I suppose all the singles out there better start feeling the love/ or else be taken to the Hotel and forced into... xxx. Love it or hate it, 'The Lobster' will have you leaving the theatre almost questioning everything.

    I'm truly torn on how to rate this film. This mirrors the reaction of many critics and persons in Europe where the film was released a year ago, having been completed in 2014. I will have to go almost down the middle for a score as a number of things displeased me. But then a number of things were on a very competent level. I WILL recommend seeing the film thus coming to your own thoughts, theories and conclusion. Forget what the reviews say... just go for it! This kind of film demands a viewing.

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    pietroantoni@  25.3.2016 age: 36-49 14,637 reviews

    Your comment is as looong as the movie! More interesting, however...

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    anne.aucy@  28.3.2016 age: 50+ 17 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
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