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    A Lot Like Love


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    “A Lot Like Love” might not be a big sweeping romance that will be held high for years to come, but it has a lot of charm and seeing the idea of seeing its two leads get together fills your heart with warmth. The story is set over a period of seven years. When we first meet our characters, Oliver (Ashton Kutcher) and Emily (Amanda Peet) first spot each other on a flight from Los Angeles to New York City. After hooking up in the plane’s bathroom, the two decide not to pursue a relationship because she’s not really interested in anything right now and Oliver has big aspirations he doesn’t want to get distracted from. He gives her his number so she can call him in the future and see if he’s met any of his goals. As the years pass and the two meet up repeatedly, they begin growing closer together.

    As I said, the film is fun to watch, but very light and not necessarily memorable. You’ve seen the plot of two “friends” eventually falling in love over the course of several years before, and done better in other movies. What makes this entry in the romantic comedy genre worth your time is the chemistry between the two leads. You feel genuine sparks between the two. It makes you want to keep watching even though you know how the movie is going to end. Yes, the movie is predictable but that’s ok, you go into this movie to see a love story and it delivers. I also found the evolution of Emily’s character very well done (Kutcher does a decent job, he just isn’t given nearly as much in that department) It's comfort food, but sometimes you’re not in the mood for something heavy, you just want to see two attractive people fall in love. It’s not the kind of movie you can expect to ever get a fancy deluxe edition release or would really need to own, but it’s a nice way to kill some time and you’ll be happy to have the 107-minute running time with these characters. The ending drops the ball a little bit but even so, I didn’t mind too much. I know it sounds like I’m giving a lot of backhanded compliments here but I did really have a good time watching “A Lot Like Love”. (Full-screen version on DVD, October 24, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  7.9.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
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