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    Avengers: Age of Ultron


    Reviewed by

    Well it has finally arrived... Avengers: Age of Ultron and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. It's too worthy to miss an event of the monumental type! And so I plucked up my nerve to face the onslaught ahead of me! It was a fight to the finish as with most foul fare in this debauched breed of motion picture making! As with any film, the masses who have nothing better to do or think about will love it, many or perhaps not so many will hate the second installment while others simply won't give a damn, simply being disgruntled at the mere mention of its name. Whatever your reaction to this monstrosity of an epic, one thing goes without saying: Age of Ultron shows how irrelevant and immaterial the entire franchise is. It was conceived and made to break box office records and have producers laugh all the way to the bank. Now if that isn't suspect, I don't know what is! What a sad state of affairs in cinéma with all this worship of nothing but clap-trap at Hollywood's association with the world of Marvel.

    The whole silly "gang" is back once again including Thor and all his hair plus Johansson's Black Widow merely strutting about in her skin tights without anything of worth to do or say. If all that preceded this latest entry weren't enough, we have the addition of Scarlet Witch played by Elisabeth Olsen and some dude called Quicksilver. Samuel Jackson as Nick Fury with his long, familiar leather coat deserves a special mention as some sort of anachronism. He looks like some ludicrous old-timer of a model with reminiscences of the worst that was the seventies.

    And so begin the usual or unusual terrestrial and galactic, over the top scenes of furious action. The film is so over-packed that it becomes a battle just to keep up with the proceedings as to what is going on, some moments, honestly, quite unjustifiable! Who the hell is doing this, that or whatever, but worse, one could constantly be asking why, why, why?! There is too much presumption! Somethings just don't add up. If that were not enough, so many scenes remind us of a whole slew of movies that preceded Ultron. But the film does have some pluses! The director has a truly nifty knack of creating the greatest amount of mayhem, destruction and massacre of such woe and affliction, all without shedding a single drop of human or superhuman blood. Now that's a nifty trick! It's really too uncanny and absurd! Of course, he takes a moment or two for some softer scenes, a moment of tenderness, all for naught! It's non-stop ACTION all the way. There's already too much to deal with!

    The collective "greatness" of Ultron simply can't match the original as it is just more of the same with minor tweaks here and there. I must admit it is an exceptional film for those into this type of "non-sense"! But, ultimately, it's a super fine film, if for one reason alone. Age of Ultron allows some of us to keep our apathy and disgust for such dribble alive, well... and kicking! May the franchise and actors prosper, making billions while most poor, starving suckers are sinking into some horrific labyrinth beyond anything human!.. AMEN!

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    pietroantoni@  3.5.2015 age: 36-49 14,633 reviews

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    9 - Excellent movie, a must see
    8 - Great movie, don't miss it
    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
    3 - Poor movie, not recommended
    2 - Very bad, forget about it
    1 - Worst ever, avoid at all costs

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