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    Back on Board: Greg Louganis


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    Many of the views in this article are my own personal views, views that have come to the light of day as truth, the doc being my spring board.

    BACK ON BOARD is the bio-doc of a man even children will probably know because of his remarkable talent, Worlds and Olympic Gold Champion many times over. It is hard to imagine that Mr. Louganis, who is a very engaging man at all time came from a background not as desirable as one would think. He had the guts to get what he wanted and he got it BIG TIME. Is it conceivable Greg was obviously a target of discrimination as U. S. SWIMMING and DIVING did not want him on any squad? But with his TALENT and knack for victory Greg could not be denied his place in history without opening up a very unsavoury can of worms NO ONE DARED OPEN. He thus participated as long as he wanted, being left to his own devices. I wonder WHAT POWERS HAD TO INTERFERE TO KEEP HIM ON THAT SQUAD of divers. No doubt there was jealousy of his amazing talent and many would have relished him gone from the team from purely selfish motives alone. It's quite amazing this all went down as fact when I was a teenager. How impossibly wicked of any governance to block even the phenomenon of GREG Louganis, a stunning athlete who happened to be different only in sexual orientation. Since last I read about Mr. Louganis, I can't seem to remember he had financial difficulties. In fact the last article I read was at the time of his marriage to another man when he looked so happy. I'm sure Greg is happy to this day. It's a godsend that the man is now BACK ON BOARD though he must be 55 or so, acting as coach and mentor to all the talented kids coming up in the ranks. As a sideline I thought I'd throw in what a canine lover Greg and his partner happen to be. This doc which was apparently made in the interval of a 3 year period captures Greg in fine fettle since those long ago glory days, in all his grandiose glory!.. How the entire world fell in love with this teenage boy no one knew was gay (except for the inner circle); they fell in love with a good looking, young man physically superior in body and mind to any of his peers worldwide, much in the mold of a young god. And Greg still remains the greatest diver the world has ever known. No one has even come close to the heroics of Greg Louganis and I doubt anyone ever will. The feat is impossible! It's so good to see him in the position of prestige he should always have occupied since his retirement but for the stumbling block of being gay. One hears and reads of countless athletes who have been in the most serious of difficulties... with the law, with substance abuse, in abusive relationships. Nothing could ever be pinned on Greg because he was indeed the good all American boy next door, the guy the whole world fell in love with for very good reason.

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    pietroantoni@  26.12.2014 age: 36-49 14,630 reviews

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    7 - Good movie, worth seeing
    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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