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    Captain America: The Winter Soldier


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    The first “Captain America” was fun but to me, felt like it was mostly about setting up future events. With the sequel “Captain American: The Winter Solider” you get to see it all come together in a thrilling blend of a spy thriller and a superhero action movie.

    Our story begins with Captain America (Chris Evans) and his co-worker/friend/teammate Black Widow (Scarlet Johansson) discovering some unusual activity within S. H. I. E. L. D. Warned by Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) to “trust no one”, they are forced to go on the run. Joining with aerial combat specialist Sam / Falcon (Anthony Mackie) to uncover the threat and prove Captain America’s innocence in the conspiracy that is threatening the entire world, they will also have to combat the mysterious Winter Soldier, an assassin allegedly responsible for at least 50 years’ worth of political assassinations.

    Be warned: this is a complicated movie. Not only is it a story about trust and adjusting to a brand new world for Steve Rogers, it’s also a thriller filled with hidden agendas, wolves in sheep’s clothing, conspiracies and betrayals. This is not a movie for children because frankly, it’s too complex. They will not be able to follow all of the character motivations and grasp the gravity of this plot. It’s a treat for mature audiences. Not only do we have some great new characters introduced (the Winter Soldier and the Falcon being the most obvious examples) but we your old favourites return too.

    The strength of the film is in its relationships. Black Widow and Captain America have been through all sorts of adventures together and see each other as friends but there’s an element of uncertainty as well. Both of them work for an organization that prides itself in its secrecy. Add the the fact that most of Cap’s friends haven’t had anything but white hairs for 30+ years and the rift between them is huge. The film explores the internal struggle that Captain America is forced to tackle. This is not the world he gave his life for. Today people are more paranoid, everything moves faster, there are more shades of grey and he has to face it without the friends he grew up with. It makes this super soldier feel decidedly human. We have a very enjoyable partnership between Falcon and Cap as well. Both are soldiers that have experienced big losses in the battlefield and despite coming from very different worlds, have an immediate understanding of each other. This is not a hero/sidekick relationship, it’s a partnership, like two police officers. Both of them have their own strengths and weaknesses and in the climax, the film gets to show off both their unique skills. We have entirely different dynamics with Captain America and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), but if we get into that, we’ll be here all day.

    When it comes to the spy thriller stuff, it’s terrific. Our hereoes are on the run and their concern isn’t only clearing their names, it’s saving the world. Trouble is this threat is not as obvious as it was in World War II. Sure, S.H.I.E.L.D. are the ones chasing them, but Cap and Black Widow are the ones painted as the villains here so they can’t just shoot the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and keep moving, they have to take into account that everyone is being mislead or manipulated by a greater threat. As the layers of mysteries are uncovered, you find yourself on the edge of your seat. Add to that the Winter Soldier. The scenes where Captain America and this guy are fighting are truly dazzling. The more you see about this guy, the more excited you get. He’s so hardcore he actually makes a knife significantly scarier than a gun.

    “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” is what you demand from a sequel. It’s more complicated and engaging, develops the characters further, brings back some old favorites, introduces new ones and delivers when it comes to the action. The last twenty minutes make up for one of the best climaxes in the whole “Marvel Universe” to date. It demands your full attention are rewards you for it. I’m reviewing the 3-D theatrical version and can’t say I was really impressed by anything that came flying at me, except during the big climax. I can’t give it a perfect score, mostly because of a couple scenes during the beginning where it was a bit slow, but it’s the kind of movie that will get better with repeat viewings and I really recommend you see it, just not with your little kids. (3-D Theatrical version on the big screen, May 13, 2014)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  14.5.2016 age: 26-35 2,890 reviews

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    6 - Not bad, could be much better
    5 - So so, okay if you don't pay
    4 - Not good, even if you don't pay
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