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    Fever Pitch


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    “Fever Pitch” proves that there’s more to the Farrelly Brothers than just gross-out jokes and shock humor; it’s a sweet romantic comedy that doesn’t fall in the familiar trappings of the genre and feels surprisingly fresh. It’s the story of a guy, who meets a girl and the two of them coming to terms with each other’s flaws. Jimmy Fallon plays Ben, Drew Barrymore plays Lindsey. The two meet, have immediate chemistry and quickly start dating. Everything seems to be going very well until baseball season begins. Ben told his new girlfriend from the start that he was a huge Red Sox fans. But his fervor for the team, it borders on obsession. He’s the loud guy you see on TV with his chest and face painted up, going on and on about what decisions the managers need to make, what rituals need to be followed and how his next to the Red Sox family, sex is the best thing ever. Despite mentally preparing herself for this fandom, Lindsey and Ben’s relationship soon becomes strained by her work schedule (which doesn’t lend itself well to going to every single game and the elaborate customs that accompany them) and Ben’s zeal for the team. If they want a happy ending, it’s not going to be easy.

    When you hear the outline, you imagine “Fever Pitch” is going to be the same thing as every romantic comedy out there, but it isn’t. From the very beginning there is an understanding between Ben and Lindsey that once baseball season starts, he’s going to be really busy with his games. It’s just that there’s not really anything that could prepare her for this level of intensity. Ben knows it too. He realizes how obsessed he is with the game, but when you examine why he loves this team, you get it. You can relate. Aren’t we all a little bit obsessed with something? It could be sports, a hobby, workouts or even… movies? This film strikes a special cord with me. I recognize that I’m not perfect, that I have a certain enthusiasm for certain things that people don’s share. Is it too much to ask to have a sexy lady at my side and to be able to hold onto my fandom? That’s what this movie is about.

    “Sound nice, ” you say, “but what about the laughs? This is a comedy right? ” Yes, it is, a romantic comedy to be precise. One that does very well both comedically and romantically. The leads have genuine chemistry and the relationship is credible. My favorite laugh, a big one, is found when Lindsey is first exposed to her boyfriend’s outlandish fandom. The most amusing thing about it is that we know that there are people really like that out there. It’s not all that exaggerated when you know the reasoning behind Ben’s love and Lindsey has her share of flaws too. It’s not about some hottie who gets brainwashed into accepting the outlandish behavior.

    It’s the most pleasant type of comedy, one that really surprises you with how smart it is. Even better, you might even learn something about making relationships work by the time the film is over and that makes the film a real winner. If you’re like me and you would describe yourself as a little eccentric, track this picture down and get your significant other to watch it with you on a date. I think “Fever Pitch” will do wonders for you. (Full-screen version on DVD, December 22, 2013)

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    adamwatchesmovies@  24.10.2016 age: 26-35 2,891 reviews

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