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    Into the Woods


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    I knew from the moment this film was in production that it was going to cause a lot of problems for many who simply have NO CLUE as to what INTO THE WOODS is all about. Nor do they know of its GENESIS as an original Broadway musical. First of all James Lapine wrote quite the intriguing amalgam of the most familiar and best loved fairy tales that have been with us for hundreds upon hundreds of years. THE MUSICAL SCORE IS BY THE GENIUS STEPHEN SONDHEIM WHO HAS WON MANY TONY AWARDS AND ANY OTHER NUMBER OF THEATRICAL AWARDS KNOWN TO MAN. There is even a Broadway Theatre named in his honour, so extraordinary is his talent. Sondheim's first Musical was the lyrics for the beloved WEST SIDE STORY of 1955 based on Shakespeare's immortal ROMEO and JULIET... This is where it all gets tricky. Sondheim does not write simple music one can whistle to. Many of his scores are closer to opera so I knew the public was not going to take very kindly to WOODS. I deal with the very grandest of grand operas so this film was a cake walk for me. Besides, I like to be challenged, seeing other than horror films, the usual sci-fi nonsense, films of violence or ridiculous romantic comedies Thankfully, the critics loved this adaptation of the Sondhein/Lapine musical and its already up for many awards including SAG, the Golden Globe Awards and will probably get a nomination as OSCAR BEST FILM as the usual five best films have NOW become the 10 best films as of a few years ago, the way the Academy functioned before 1944. Into The Woods was also chosen by the American Film Institute as one of the 10 best for 2014. I apologize, but many people are totally ignorant of the importance of something they are viewing. Were Into the Woods a ROCK OPERA, it would be a totally different reaction. In any case, there are complaints about the acting as well. What is wrong with people? Can't they figure out this is a number of fairy tales strung together so the acting is not going to be on a totally realistic level. HOW CAN IT BE! The film would not work properly if done at face value. I know how hard this musical score is so I praise ROB MARSHALL who directed the Oscar Winning film CHICAGO for choosing to make it when there are many other simpler and more traditional musicals one can direct. A challenge in life is worth so much for the spirit and one's self-esteem... At the best of times, directing a musical in this day and age is a death defying act as most do not succeed. We are simply not into musicals as in the Golden Era of Hollywood. The cast assembled for Into the Woods from Meryl Streep ( who already has nominations as Best Supporting Actress as the Witch) to Anna Kendrick to the brilliant James Corden, Emily Blunt, well the whole crew is magnificent. They give it their all as can plainly be seen on screen. I had some difficulty when I saw the original Broadway Production of Into The Woods, but one learns and appreciates what in life is difficult or painful to accomplish. If you had or won't have any feeling whatever for this felicitous concoction of a musical tale, I would say there is much emptiness in your heart. It's impossible NOT TO BE MOVED ON SOME LEVEL BY THIS BRILLIANT MUSICAL PIECE, SO ORIGINAL AND SINCERE. Give it a try but go to it with a very positive attitude. Pretend you are a kiddo and your parents are reading you one of any number of fairy tales. This film is certainly not a child's movie by any means as it has the capacity for being quite serious and problematic in nature as are many fairy tales that seem to stress violence. However, if you approach it as the child within you, the chances are it will win you over. BUT YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT A REAL CHANCE to work its magic on you. I was delighted the Christmas Day take for the movie was just shy of 40 million dollars, in third place, the new Hobbit film coming in at # 1.

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    pietroantoni@  29.12.2014 age: 36-49 14,621 reviews

    Well reviewed and great knowledge base of the original musical play, adaptation to film and the genius-Stephen Sondheim. West Side Story has always been one of my favorite musicals, despite the sadness. I was so moved by this unique experience, that I had to embark on yet another review of my own. Well done.

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    elwalker48@  30.12.2014 age: 50+ 59 reviews

    Thank you very much for the lovely compliment. I seem to be getting a number of them, film viewers pretty surprised that I'm not 40 as yet, unable to understand how I have come to acquire my knowledge. I've been at it since I was 6, my parents taking me to tons of films on a regular basis. It was my first uncontrollable passion. This I remember distinctly. But then I'm a voracious reader and N. Y. city is home for 3 months of the year lecturing at Columbia.

    I've just recently come back to film seriously as I am so involved with my lectures on opera and ballet, not to mention my love of baseball and hockey of which I also have truckloads of information going back to the earliest days of baseball. My friends are amazed by the amount of info on any given topic To my mind it's all a very small matter though truth be spoken, I surprise myself at times. Right now I'm having some wonderful time off as I teach at the U of T.

    Please forgive me for all this superfluous info, but I always feel that if a person responds to anything I write and wants to know more as to what makes me tick, I feel I owe them the explanation.

    This has nothing at all to do with vanity. I was granted this ability or gift by a higher power, I am immensely grateful... and I never take anything for granted.

    A Very happy New Year.


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    pietroantoni@  30.12.2014 age: 36-49 14,621 reviews

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